Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a fantastic weekend.
We have continued to enjoy our seaside theme this week. Next week we will be continuing our theme of the seaside.
We have had a great week in pre-school.
Here is each groups news of our learning throughout the week.
Group D:
We had a very busy and fun week last week!
On Monday we made bread, the children measured out the ingredients and were great at kneading the dough. We made bread rolls in the shape of different sea creatures and enjoyed eating them for snack. We also had fun on the big yellow slide in the play trail. The children were very confident at climbing up the ladder independently.
On Tuesday we began making sand salt dough. Some children made shells, octopus, fossils and we even had a sea slug. We will continue with painting these this week. The children enjoyed playing in our outdoor space, making camp fires, dinosaur nests and soup in the mud kitchen.
On Wednesday Henry shared his favourite story with us, ‘Henry and the Yeti’. The children were inspired to make a compass, binoculars and a camera and we set off for the forest school area determined to find one. The children searched everywhere but they could not find any yeti evidence! In the afternoon we had our sports day. The children did an amazing job at the running races, kicking, catching and hurdle events. Everyone so deserved their medals, they were all fantastic.
On Thursday the children shared some of their favourite books from home. We had a lovely time exploring the school grounds and singing songs in the boat.
On Friday the children asked to make pizza for snack. We made the pizza dough and chopped and grated the toppings. All of the children thought that it was delicious. In the afternoon we joined school for dance day. Each year group performed a dance for the rest of the children. We performed ‘Were going on a bear hunt’, all of the children joined in even though there were lot’s of people watching. They all did such an amazing dance!
This week will are continuing with our seaside theme, focussing on boats. We will try and make a boat from junk modelling, maybe have some fruit boats for snack and experiment with what floats and sinks. The children have been very interested in acting out stories and so we will make a puppet stand where they might like to perform their own stories.
Group B:
Wow, what a great week we had with lots of fun and learning happening.
On Monday we created a rock pool using some plastic sheeting, rocks, stones and seaweed. We loved exploring what happened when you added water to our rock pool and how to keep the water in the rock pool. We tried to make a water fall. We used the digger to help us move the stones. In the afternoon we made some salt dough and made some dinosaur fossils. We created these by pressing toy dinosaurs into the salt dough. It was great to see the pattern on the dough when you removed the toy dinosaur.
On Tuesday we painted our salt dough turtles and mermaids which we made last week. We will be bringing them home this week. We enjoyed playing a new game called "not on my plate". We made fish shaped pizza's with lots of different topping. we used a knife to cut around the fish template on the bread wraps. We then arrange different toppings onto our pizza's. We enjoyed eating them for snack.
On Wednesday we had our sports day in the afternoon with Mr Treble. We had 4 different activities to do. The activities were some running races, throwing and catching balls, an obstacle course and dribbling a ball around the cones and through the gaols. We were all great a persevering at the different skills and having a go. We loved receiving our golden medals for our sports day challenges. We made some telescopes and then used coloured cellophane at the end of the telescope and observed what happened to the colour of everything. We also had great fun outside make tracks for people to follow by using sticks to make arrow directions to follow.
On Thursday we made our own underwater sensory bags using plastic bags, stickers, cellophane and blue coloured water. When we made them we enjoyed feeling the bags and making the pictures appear. Outside we really enjoyed playing with the bubbles and trying to catch them. We went to the school field to do sports day which we really enjoyed doing. We were great at persevering and challenging ourselves. We got a gold medal for our sports day challenges.
On Friday afternoon we had Dance day. We were all superstars at performing to the rest of the school with our dance. We did we're going on a bear hunt dance. We all enjoyed watching the other classes dances. In the morning we enjoyed playing outside on the balance bikes and on the play trail. In the morning we painted our dinosaur fossils using lots of different colours.
Throughout the week we have really enjoyed playing with the pirate ship, divers, gold coins and rocks in the water tray. We have also enjoyed creating underwater scenes with the play dough with shells, underwater animals and play dough cutters. We have been constructing bridges, boats and cars using the lego. We also had the farm out to play with. We have enjoyed lots of seaside stories and been busy with our FRED talk.
Next week we are going to be making a treasure hunt with some challenges along the way, making a waterfall, some cheesy bites and turtle buns. playing pop up pirate, using the computer to make a seaside picture, pirate/mermaid drama, making a lighthouse and lots more.
Group C:
Monday we made fossil biscuits and iced them for our afternoon snack. We learnt about how fossils are made. Made some binoculars to go on a bear hunt. Shared books from Wren, WOW's and Evelyn's pictures of her rabbit Reggie.
Tuesday we practiced our letter sounds and found other words that started with the same sound. Made sandwiches for a picnic and watched the lighthouse keepers lunch. Read the Railway Children brought in by Ruby. Looked at why recycling is important to protect our seas and beaches. A seagull delivered us a picnic basket and stayed to eat the picnic with us.
Wednesday we made some salt dough. Played with shaving foam and bubbles. Enjoyed washing and playing with the 'babies' outside. Hunted for objects in the room starting with different letter sounds. Enjoyed sports day!
Thursday we went to the forest school area and had fun playing, running, discovering fairy dust and doing a nature hunt. Lots of mud kitchen cooking and some water colour painting.
We have created a tea towel with all of the children drawing a picture of themselves on it. We are about to send the template off to the tea towel company. A letter will be coming home this week with an order from of how many you would like to order. They will be delivered after we have broken up for summer so we will deliver the tea towels to you once they have arrived.
Some of the children would like to dress up, from their idea we would like to invite the children on Thursday 16th July and Friday 17th July to come into pre-school in fancy dress costumes.
On Friday 17th July @4.00pm we have got a Pre-school virtual zoom disco. Please fill in the reply slip with an email address so a link to the zoom disco can be sent to you.
If you are not at Pre-School we will be continuing to catch up with you throughout the week and we hope you are continuing with your packs. Please do email if we can help with anything. We are now in school 5 days a week so just give us a call and we will get back to you.
Here's to another great week.
Julia, Suzanne, Helen, Karen, Colleen, Sharon, Zoe and Chloe
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