We hope you all have had a great weekend and celebrating VE Day on Bank Holiday Friday. We hope you have enjoyed making your teddy bear zip wire. Did your teddy bear enjoy the ride?
Its great seeing all the amazing home learning you are all doing at home and look forward to seeing you adventures this week.
Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. There are great guest on the virtual assemblies.
We have thought of some ideas you might like to do during the week. Please don't feel you need to undertake these as they are intended just to give you ideas.
Physical Challenge:-
Can you complete Mr Treble's socks and saucepan challenge? You need some socks and saucepans. Put your saucepans in an arrangement. Can you throw your socks into the saucepan? Maybe each saucepan can have a different number of points.
Or maybe you might like to do some Cosmic Kids Yoga. Please us the link to access yoga. https://cosmickids.com/category/watch/?video_category=yoga&changed=video_category
Fine motor skills:-
Can you create a shape outline of your choice, could be an emergency vehicle, a person or a flower etc. Using a hole punch can you hole punch around the edge. Then using your favourite colour wool or string thread in and out and back to front through the holes.
Maths Challenge:-
Can you play a game of Hopscotch? Use some chalks to make your own hopscotch.

When you cut open your fruit for a snack, can you count how many seeds are in your fruit? Which fruits has more, less or zero seeds? Can you record what you find out?

When you cut open your fruit for a snack, can you count how many seeds are in your fruit? Which fruits has more, less or zero seeds? Can you record what you find out?

Experessive Art and design:-
Using a piece of cardboard and some double sided sticky tape to create your name. Once you have made your name out of sticky tape, head out on a walk and stick objects you find onto the sticky tape. Can you identify some of the objects you collect?

Can you sing your favourite song to someone in your family? Can you play a musical instrument whilst singing?
Can you sing your favourite song to someone in your family? Can you play a musical instrument whilst singing?
Read Write Inc are releasing Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor, teacher and trainer and a wonderful storyteller.
Three stories will be published each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to our YouTube channel.
Join in with a daily Read write inc session Speed sounds Set 1 at 9.30am @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ?fbclid=IwAR21oy-9u0FghZxWgWdM4PGP8alai35ZbUA1E7AsPEsGCS-uUsjhJgfHPx8
Can you play a game of Fred talk with the objects on a tray? For example taking turns Fred talking the objects on the tray e.g. f-r-o-g, c-a-t

Understanding of the world:-
Can you find out about people who help us? You could choose the police, nurses, post people, fireman, lollipop people etc. Can you learn 3 new facts?

Magic Dancing Milk
What you need:
- A shallow dish or tray (foil trays are fine)
- Food colouring
- Milk
- Toothpicks
- Soap
How you do it: You’ll need a shallow dish, such as an empty pie dish or baking tray. Submerge the bottom by pouring room temperature milk into it. Add a few blobs of food colouring (the children can do this part) and then hand each child a toothpick dipped in dish soap – and watch the colours dance.

We hope you all have a great week having fun and exploring new things. We look forward to hearing all about the great things you are up to. Please fee free to email them to j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk. We miss you all. Keep smiling and keep safe.
Please feel free to email me if you have any questions or suggestions.
Don't forget on Thursday 14th May 2020 - 4:30PM - #InspiredToLearn Virtual Quiz Night
You are all fantastic
Julia and Pre-school team

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