Hello everyone,
We hope you all had a wonderful half term full of adventures. We can't wait to hear all about them.
The last week of term we enjoyed a week of magical adventures and learning. On Monday morning we met a magician called Martin and he did a magic show with fire, cards, money and lots more. We also explored the magical world at school with the bubble machine. On Tuesday we had a surprise parcel of Spike the dragon. We drew pictures of soup we could make for Spike. We also enjoyed making magical wands using sticks, wool and a star. We used our fine motor skills to wrap wool around our wands. On Wednesday afternoon we made some bread rolls ready for our lunch on Thursday. We also had a go at making some magic potions outside at the mud kitchen. On Thursday we made magic potion soup (tomatoes soup) for our lunch which we all really enjoyed eating. On Wednesday and Thursday morning Imogen Dad came in and talked about the
Philippines and we got to try a variety of foods from the Phillippines. We learnt lots of great facts. On Thursday afternoon we enjoyed watching a magic show by Andy the magic man. It was brilliant.
This week we are going to be sharing the story of Mr Wolf's pancakes and The three little pigs. We are going to be writing shopping lists of ingredients we need to make pancakes. On Tuesday we are going to be learning how to make pancakes following a set of instructions and then eating pancakes for snack with our favourite toppings. We will also be having some pancake races outside and using the number language of 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc. From Wednesday on we will be sharing the story of the 3 little pigs with lots of fun and exciting activities. We will look at materials which would make good houses without blowing down. We will test them with the hairdryer!!
Home learning
We can't wait to hear all about your half term adventures and number hunts. We love to see all your home learning.
Letters and sounds:-
This week we are going to be learning the sound m. We have been doing lots of games with Fred frog which involves oral blending and segmenting We will have also been doing some alliteration. We have been thinking of words beginning with different sounds. There will be a coffee morning in next couple of week to share how we do the Read Write Inc Nursery programme. Look out for the date.
Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you come in the mornings.
On Thursday 27th February at 3.10pm we have got our story session. Please come and join us.
On Friday we have swimming.
This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 28th February from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 14th March from 10.-11.30. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Friday 28th February it is POWSA film night showing the film of Peter Rabbit. Storytime at 5.30pm and film starts at 5.45pm. Tickets can be purchased from school office or on the night. £3.00 including popcorn and a drink. See poster for more details.
On Tuesday 3rd March POWSA meeting in School staff room at 7.30pm. All welcome.
On Thursday 5th March is World Book Day, children can come dressed as their favourite book character. Children also to bring their favourite story to school.
Here's to a great week back full of exploring and learning.
Julia and Pre-school Team