Hello everyone,
Last week we had a great week continuing our learning about shape. We looked at a variety of 3d shapes. We played the game of guess the shape in the bag. The children described the shape and then had to guess which shape it was. We used lots of shape names and language like corners, sides, points, 2d, 3d, faces. On Monday afternoon we made strawberry jelly ready for our lunch on Tuesday. We learnt how to make jelly and what happens to jelly when you make it. On Tuesday morning we all had great fun making our own pizza's for lunch and choosing our toppings. At Lunch time we really enjoyed eating them. In the afternoon and on Wednesday afternoon we did some science experiments using different 3d shaped food or bath bombs to see what happens when you add water to them. We used some great language and predicting skills.
On Wednesday morning we had the photographer in to take our pictures. We were brilliant at smiling and there are some great photos. On Wednesday morning we had PE in two groups and we did lots of climbing and balancing.
Throughout the week we have been creating our surprise and then visiting the post box to post them. On our trips to the post box we have been looking for shapes and numbers in our environment. Also talking about road safety and our local area we live in.
On Thursday a group of children went swimming. On Friday morning a group of children went to watch Year 2 assembly. We were brilliant at listening.
We have been busy planting some bulbs throughout the week and looking after our pets.
This week we will be creating some Christmas Decorations for the Christmas Tree festival at St George's church. Our decorations are going to be based on the 12 days of Christmas song. Due to the weather at the end of last week we did not all get to the post box so we will be finishing this off this week.
Letters and Sounds
We will be using the signs from Read write inc which are "my turn, your turn" "talk to your partner". Looking at stories with rhyming endings. We have got a rhyming door in our classroom and we will be adding our rhyming words to the door. This week we will be learning the Read Write Inc picture names: net, pirate, tower, insect dinosaur, snake Maisie next to the mountain and apple. We will be using Fred the Frog.
Home Learning
When you are out and about can you recognise different logos e.g. the Tesco sign or car make signs? Can you make a poster of ones you have found?
Due to the weather last week we were unable to complete all our trips to the post box. We will be finishing this off this week.
On Friday 29th November we have our story time at 5.00pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday. This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 28th from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Thursday a group of children will be swimming.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 30th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. It was lovely to see you at our stay play this weekend.
On Friday 29th November in the main school hall is POWSA film night. The film showing is Arthur Christmas starting at 5.30pm. Tickets are £3.
On Tuesday 3rd December is the next POWSA meeting in the staff room at 7.30pm. Please do come and join us.
In each child's post pockets is a brown envelope for ordering the Christmas cards they have made. The preview and orders can be seen at https://www.myschoolart.co.uk/product-category/prince-of-wales/. Orders needs to be placed by 9th December or in the brown envelopes by 25th November.
If your child would like a Christmas lunch, please see myself or Caroline for a Hot lunch code.
If your child would like a Christmas lunch, please see myself or Caroline for a Hot lunch code.
Here's to another great week.
Julia and Pre-school Team
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