Hello everyone,
WOW, what an amazing first week back. On Tuesday we went to the forest schools area and had a bonfire with Reception. We enjoyed eating hotdogs for snack and toasting marshmallows on the fire. They were very yummy. We also sang some firework songs.
On Tuesday afternoon we made a poster with our bonfire snack photos and a collage bonfire along with some speech bubbles. This is up on display.
On Wednesday morning a small group had a PE session with Mr Davey and they used the climbing apparatus in the main school hall. They practiced their skills of climbing and balancing.
Another group went with Mr Treble and did some PE. We did some team games, moving in different ways and balancing on stepping stones.
Throughout the week the children have been experimenting how to melt chocolate to make some chocolate sparkler breadsticks. We hope they enjoyed eating them.
On Wednesday afternoon the children watched and listened to a firework display on the TV and then in small groups made some firework music with different musical instruments. Also in the afternoon they made their own fireworks using water, vegetable oil and food colouring. They did some great science experiments. On Thursday a group of children went swimming and it is lovely to see their confidence and skills growing. We have been exploring colour and using different tools and techniques to create our firework pictures. This are up on display. On Friday afternoon we began making our firework rockets with our names. These are up on display in the classroom. We have enjoyed listening to firework poems and talking about colours and sounds of fireworks.
This week we are going to be starting our fortnight of shape. We will be sharing all of the amazing shape home learning that has come in. We are going to be going on a 2d and 3d shape hunt in the school grounds. We are going to be creating pictures using different shapes. We have got some great shape games to play. We are going to be naming shapes and describing shapes. We will also be continuing our rocket names and planting some onion sets in the wildlife garden. We will prepare our surprise to post at the post box the following week. On Monday we will be watching the cebeebies programme for Remembrance Day. On Friday we will be finding out all about Children in Need.
Letters and Sounds
We will be using the signs from Read write inc which are "my turn, your turn" "talk to your partner". Looking at stories with rhyming endings. We have got a rhyming door in our classroom and we will be adding our rhyming words to the door. This week we will be starting to learn the Read Write Inc picture names: dinosaur, snake Maisie next to the mountain and apple. We will be introducing Fred the Frog.
Home Learning
Can you see what different shapes you can find in your environment. Can be 2d and 3d shapes. Can you make a poster of shapes you find?
There is a POWSA meeting on Tuesday 12th November in the main school staff room @7.30pm to plan further fundraising events. Everyone very welcome to come along. Any questions come and see Julia.
On Friday 15th November it is Children in Need Day. Children can come dressed in spots and stripes. A suggested voluntary donation of £1.00 towards Children In Need. There will be a cake sell on the day as well at the main school. Throughout the week at the main school Children in Need merchandise can be purchased.
On Wednesday 13th November we have our story time at 3.10pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday. This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 15th from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 30th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. It was lovely to see you at our stay play this weekend.
We are going to be having a pizza lunch on Tuesday 19th November. Children will not need to bring in a packed lunch on this day. Also if your child has a hot on this day, please cancel them. The children are going to be making their own lunch. Any questions please come and see Julia.
In each child's post pockets is a brown envelope for ordering the Christmas cards they have made. The preview and orders can be seen at https://www.myschoolart.co.uk/product-category/prince-of-wales/. Orders needs to be placed by 9th December or in the brown envelopes by 25th November.
If your child would like a Christmas lunch, please see myself or Caroline for a Hot lunch code.
If your child would like a Christmas lunch, please see myself or Caroline for a Hot lunch code.
Here's to another exciting week.
Julia and Pre-school team
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