Hello everyone,
Last week we enjoyed listening to a variety of Autumn stories and learning some new Autumn songs e.g. 10 little pumpkins, twirling leaves are falling down and a hedgehog is very prickly.
On Wednesday morning we had PE with Mr treble and we played a variety of games we have been doing over the past week.
On Thursday morning we had our trip to Thorncoombe Woods. We enjoyed making mud pies and potions, climbing and balancing on logs, making dens and looking at all the different objects we could see. We also had great fun playing hide and seek. We had to find Julia Bear, Helen Bear and Mrs Smith bear. We really enjoyed our ride on the big bus.
On Thursday afternoon we created a poster with all the pictures from our trip to the woods and we talked about what we enjoyed doing. We cut all pictures out ourselves using the scissors. Have a look at out poster.
On Tuesday we acted out the story of we're going on a leaf hunt in the school grounds. Throughout the week we have been playing a number game outside. We rolled the dice and then found that number of objects.
We have also been using the Chrome Books to use the programme Purple Mash to create some Autumn pictures. We have been learning how to change the paint colour and how to move the mouse around to colour in the picture.
On Friday afternoon we did some leaf printing. We enjoyed exploring what colours we could make by mixing them together.
This week we are going to be sharing some pumpkin stories in particular Pumpkin Soup. We are going to be collecting our pumpkins from the polytunnel in the wheelbarrows. We will be using hammers to bang golf tees into them. We are also going to be making pumpkin soup in the kitchen. We will be practicing our cutting, stirring skills. We will also be exploring the insides of the pumpkins. Talking about what we can see and what it feels like. We will also be cutting a face into our pumpkins. We will be doing a variety of pumpkin activities throughout the week. We will also continue with our 10 little pumpkins sitting on a wall song. On Wednesday morning we have got PE with Mr Treble. On Thursday morning we have got swimming.
Letters and Sounds
We will be using the signs from Read write inc which are "my turn, your turn" "talk to your partner". Looking at stories with rhyming endings. We have got a rhyming door in our classroom and we will be adding our rhyming words to the door. We will be making rhyming soup this week.
Home Learning
Over half term can you see what different shapes you can find in your environment. Can be 2d and 3d shapes. Can you make a poster of shapes you find?
On Thursday 24th October we have our story time at 3.10pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 23rd October from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 30th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. It was lovely to see you at our stay play this weekend.
The sign up sheet for Parents evening is now on display. This is on the wall
where the post pockets are. I am looking forward to meeting with you all to share how your child has settled into pre-school Year 2 and the progress they are making.
where the post pockets are. I am looking forward to meeting with you all to share how your child has settled into pre-school Year 2 and the progress they are making.
We break up for half term on Friday 25th October and return on Tuesday 5th November.
Julia and Pre-school team
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