Hello everyone,
Wow, what a great week had at pre-school. We really enjoyed going on our adventure to the school orchard. We picked apples and pears. We talked about what we could see at the orchard and about which apples and pears are good to pick. After visiting the orchard we used the apples and pears to cook with in the kitchen. We used a variety of utensils to cook with. We mixed ingredients together and chopped up fruit to put in. We talked about how to use a knife safely and safety in the kitchen.
Over the last two weeks we have really enjoyed making our wooden tractors. We used screwdriver and hammers to make them. We then painted them and added wheels. These will be coming home this week.
On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we planted cress seeds in our potato heads. We talked about what seeds need to be able to grow. We read the story of Supertato. If you have not made one yet, we will make one this week.
On Wednesday we had PE with Mr Treble and we played some team games and moving along the yellow lines in different ways. The children are amazing at putting their own plimsols on.
On Friday morning we went to Harvest Assembly. We were all amazing at listening to the others classes song and did some great singing ourselves. Well done Pre-school.
On Friday afternoon we went out for a quick bit of fresh air in between the rain to jump in the puddles with our wellies. We all enjoyed jumping in the puddles and we all tried really hard at being independent to get changed into dry clothes. It was great to see lot's of independence. Great work Pre-school.
We are enjoying listening to rhyming stories and are beginning to come up with words that rhyme. Great work.
This week we are going to be sharing lots of stories and poems about Autumn. We have got lots of fun activities inside and outside to do with Autumn. On Thursday morning we have got our pre-school trip to the woods. On Wednesday morning we have got PE with Mr Treble.
Letters and Sounds
We will be using the signs from Read write inc which are "my turn, your turn" "talk to your partner". Looking at stories with rhyming endings. We have got a rhyming door in our classroom and we will be adding our rhyming words to the door. We will also be learning some Autumn songs.
Home Learning
Can you look after your cress and when it is ready harvest your cress by using scissors to cut it. Can you make something to eat using your cress? Take a picture and bring it in.
Can you make a picture using leaves?
On Wednesday 16th October we have our story time at 3.10pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Thursday we have our trip to the woods. Please can children come to pre-school with their wellies on and wear appropriate clothing for the weather. All children will need a waterproof coat. As we are going to the woods, there will no swimming this week.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday. This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 18th October from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Friday 18th is Autumn We welcome all our families. It is from 5pm-7.30pm and there is lots of activities (camp fire marshmallows, music, Autumn crafts, Magic Show, stories in the roundhouse, pumpkin carving, conker rolling and apple bobbing) There is also food and drinks at the event which can be purchased. Tickets for Autumn Fest are £5.00 for a family of 4 and additional children tickets are £1.00. These can be purchased from the main school office or on the night. Please see poster for more details. Its is a great family evening.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 30th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. It was lovely to see you at our stay play this weekend.
The sign up sheet for Parents evening is now on display. This is on the wall
where the post pockets are. I am looking forward to meeting with you all to share how your child has settled into pre-school Year 2 and the progress they are making.
where the post pockets are. I am looking forward to meeting with you all to share how your child has settled into pre-school Year 2 and the progress they are making.
We break up for half term on Friday 25th October and return on Tuesday 5th November.
Julia and Pre-school team
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