Hello everyone.....
We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend in the beautiful sunshine.
On Monday we continued our learning about frogs and made tadpoles practicing our scissors skills. We had a lovely time playing outside in the garden.
On Tuesday it was Pancake Day and at group time we made pancakes. We talked about the ingredients and the instructions of how to make pancakes. For snack we had pancakes with a variety of yummy toppings. We also practiced our scissors skills in creating a pancake with our favourite toppings. After lunch we had some pancake races outside using a start and finish line. It was great fun.
On Wednesday morning a group of children visited the local care home for a singsong, story and cake. The other group of children had PE in the school hall and used the climbing apartus. The children are really confident now and are able to climb high. In the afternoon we had Relax kids.
On Thursday morning for World Book Day we all dressed up as a book Character and visited Dorchester library. We went in the mini bus and Julia's van. When we got to the library we had a guided tour, choose a book to bring back to pre-school and listened to a couple of stories. In the afternoon we went on another adventure and visited Kingston Mauward. We looked at all the animals, played in the playground and explored the gardens. We had great fun running down the big hill.
On Friday we had our trip to Tesco and before going to Tesco's we created our own shopping list. We did some great walking to and from Tesco and observing all the things we saw. When we got to Tesco we looked at all the different products and collected the items on our shopping list. We then went to the tills and paid for our shopping. In the afternoon a group of children visited a local care home for sing song, stories and parachute games. We had a lovely time and some yummy cakes to eat. Another group children played in soft play.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed constructing with the stickle bricks, foam shaped bloacks and flower world construction. In the number area we have been exploring the numicon with numicon boards and pegs. We have also enjoyed exploring the lentils and pasta with spoons and diffrent sized containers for pouring. In the small world area we have been playing with the town small world scene. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been playing with the small pegs and pegging them onto the line. We have enjoyed exploring the pancake role play. Also we are getting really good at rhyming and completing the rhyming game. We have really enjoyed playing outside in the beautiful sunshine.
We have now learnt all the Read Write Inc pictures and we are now focusing on Fred Frog. Fred Frog can only say sounds and no words. We have been playing lots of games with Fred. We have been doing lots of rhyming games and stories.
During group time this week we talked about Reggie the Resilient tortoise friend Rose the Resourceful Spider.
How can you help your children establish Resourcefulness at home?
Resourcefulness is all about being an independent and imaginative learner, being ready to learn in
different ways and using all of the resources available to help you. The skills for life long learning
that we are aiming to instil are those of Questioning - being curious, going deeper; Making
Links - looking for ideas and concepts that connect together and are meaningful; Imagining - using your minds eye to help you learn; Reasoning - thinking methodically and Capitalising - making the best of resources available.
You can do this through play and day to day activities at home by:
•Encourage questions.
•Demonstrate making links between different ideas.
•Keep imagination alive and celebrate and value a love of adventure. •Help children to find ways of using resources such as reference books, dictionaries, the Internet.
Some pictures from the week..
For the next three weeks we are going to be exploring people who help us along with our parents/carers jobs. We would love it if you would like to come in and talk about your job. We have lots of lovely activities planned to support the above.
Home Learning
-Can you make an obstacle course at home?
To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.
DEP School wear shop
W: https://www.
T: 01305 750292
E: sales@dorsetprintwear.co.uk
Powsa Events:-
Eyes down for 4pm in Main school hall. Refreshments and hot dogs avaiable.
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