Sunday, 9 February 2025

Hello everyone.....


Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a fabulous weekend. We have had a great week sharing the story of the three little pigs at group time.

On Monday morning we used a variety of media to create the 3 little pigs. We used a variety of media and techniques in creating our pigs. We also had PE with Colleen and used the climbing apparatus. We were great at challenging ourselves this week. In the afternoon we made the three pigs houses using a variety of media and techniques and working as a team to complete the activity. In the 

On Tuesday morning we had kickboxing and we went on a monkey adventure to find bananas and we went on a space adventure. We had lots of fun. In the afternoon we did a science experiment with sugar cubes. We built a house or tower out of sugar cubes and experimented what happened when you poured warm and cold water over the cubes. We learnt the word dissolve. We know about what an experiment is and we are beginning to make predictions from linking previous learning. 

On Wednesday morning a group went to visit at the care home which we all really enjoyed. We had a sing song with the residents and enjoyed the parachute with bubbles. The children who stayed at pre-school made some junk modelling pig houses and had PE using the climbing equipment. The children used a variety of techniques and tools in joining the materials together and creating their houses. In the afternoon we had our Relax kids session.

On Thursday morning we used the Now Press Play headsets to act out the story of the Three little pigs. We also got to meet Solly's new puppy. 

We have enjoyed constructing with the marble run,balancing cactus and playground construction set. In the number area we have been exploring the wooden people, small pots and numicon pieces. We have been matching the numerals on the people to the number of dots on the pots. We have also been putting the wooden people in the numicon holes and doing lots of counting. We have been solving problems using one more and one less and how to make different numbers using a combination of numicon pieces.  We have enjoyed marking making in the coloured sand using lollypop sticks and painting pictures. We have also enjoyed exploring the shaving foam (cement), wooden shaped blocks and spreaders. We have been using the cement to build wooden shape towers and houses. In the small world area we have been busy acting out the story of the three little pigs with the story props. The children are amazing with the repeated refrains of the story.  On our finger frenzy table this week we have been using the pipettes with watered down paint. We have explored mixing colours.  

Throughout the week we have continued to learn the Read Write inc picture names in group time along with lots of rhyming activites. 

Some pictures of the week....

For the next week we are going to continue to share the story of The three little pigs and have some great activities planned including some science experiments, watching a theatre group, Story maps and lots more. 

Home learning

Can you play I spy using colours e.g. I spy with my little eye something that is red?

Can you recall the story of The 3 little pigs at home?

Can you practiced skipping, hopping and standing on one foot? 

 This week it is swimming, please can children bring the swimming kit in on the day they are due to swim. Days sent home in September letter. 

A video will be avaiable shortly from the information session.

We break up for Half Term on Friday 14th February and return back to school on Tuesday 25th February.

We are a NUT FREE SCHOOL, so please can we remind our families that the children have no products containing nuts in their lunchbox.


To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.

DEP School wear shop



T: 01305 750292


Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

We are all really looking forward to seeing you all and here's to an exciting and great week  full of fun and adventures.

Julia, Colleen, Sharon, Lauren, Lauren