Hello everyone,
Welcome back to the new school year with lots of fun and exciting exploring and learning. We hope you have all had a wonderful summer and we look forward to hearing all about your summer adventures.
It was lovely to see the children on Monday at our stay and play session. The children were amazing and we all had a great time playing together in our new classroom.
This week we will be focusing on settling back into Preschool in Year 2 and it will be a time for the children, us and yourselves to get to know us. We will be having lots of fun playing and exploring together.
The adults who will be working within the Year 2 classroom is myself, Colleen, Sharon, Lauren and Lauren. Some afternoon Zoe and Chloe will be joining us.
Home learning
We will also be talking about what you have all been doing in the holidays and if you have some pictures or writing you would like to bring in, please do. We will be sharing these during group time.
If you could provide us with a clearly marked water bottle that we can keep at preschool all year. This way we can ensure the children have access to fresh drinking water throughout the days with us. We find the children drink more from their own bottles. Can all drinks bottles be able to be placed in the dishwasher and ideally without a straw.
Every week there will be a blog about everything we have done during the week, what is happening at pre-school in the next week, home learning you may like to do and notices. This is normally published on a Sunday evening.
We place all lunch boxes in the fridge, please label lunch boxes and drinks bottles with your child's name. If you would like to order your child a hot lunch, please speak to a member of staff and Caroline will arrange a hot lunch code for you.
It would great if all pre-school t-shirts and jumpers can be named.
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.
Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.
Here's to an exciting and amazing first week back full of fun and adventures.
Julia, Colleen, Sharon, Lauren and Lauren
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