Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend with your family and friends despite the rain today.
Last week we have loved sharing the story of Shark in the park and Shark in the park on a windy day by Nick Sharrat in group time. The children were able to join in with the repeated refrains and do the actions for the positional language of the Timothy's telescope. We learnt about what an Author is and we compared the difference between the front of the two books. We also learnt about speech bubbles.
On Monday we made sharks with sharp teeth. We used the scissors to cut out sharp triangle teeth. These are on display in the classroom. We used the skills of using scissors with one hand and learning how to snip along a line. In the afternoon we did a science experiment exploring floating and sinking. On Tuesday we made telescopes using cardboard tubes and transparent cellophane. We found out what happened when you looked through the coloured transparent cellophane. We also went on a shark hunt and found a shark in the school pond. We acted out the story of Shark in the park with our telescopes.A group of children visited Castle View care home and sand some songs and had a story. We had a yummy snack with the residents. On Wednesday a group of children had PE with Colleen and Lauren in the main school hall. We played lots of fun games which involved following an instruction and using our listening ears. We played sleepy pirate, Traffic lights, duck duck goose and lots more. Another group of children walked to the care home at the top of Maiden Castle Rd to sing songs and share a story. We enjoyed some very yummy cakes and had a chat with the residents. In the afternoon we went on a shape hunt around the school grounds and did some shape printing. On Thursday and Friday morning the children cooked some shark biscuits to bring home. The children used a variety of tools and cooking skills like mixing, rolling and cutting. We hope they were tasty. On Thursday afternoon we explored which objects will roll and not roll down the hill and why this maybe. We played some games in the hall. We played farmers in the den, ring a ring a roses, duck duck goose and the floor is lava. The children loved playing these games. On Friday afternoon we went explored the play trail and used lots of gross motor skills like climbing, sliding, running, jumping etc. We also had Coach Luca and learnt about shooting baskets.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed mark making in the blue grit. We have enjoyed playing with the small world diggers and wooden blocks. We have been busy using our real life experiences to play in the role play home corner. On the finger frenzy table we were using the peg boards to create patterns and practice our pincer grip. In the water tray we enjoyed exploring the different water resources. We have been busy constructing with the magnetic shapes, wooden blocks and Duplo. In the playdough we rolled out the playdough using the rolling pin and used the shape cutters. We decorated our shapes with gems. At small world table we enjoyed playing with the playmobil park with the scene of shark in the park. In the number area we made making shape pictures.
We met Reggie the Resilient Tortoise. He is one of learning powers which encourage us to keep on trying. Harold the giraffe came to group time and we talked about the names of the different parts of our body. We were amazing at this.
Here are some photos of the week....
Home learning:
You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2024.
To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.
DEP School wear shop
W: https://www.
T: 01305 750292
E: sales@dorsetprintwear.co.uk

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren
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