Hi Everyone,
We hope you have all had a wonderful sunny weekend with your friends and family.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed continuing to share the story of Jack and the beanstalk.
On Monday morning we continued mark making our invitations to send to our grandparents inviting them to snack and visiting the postbox to post them. We hope the grandparents enjoyed receiving them. We also created a beanstalk outside using chalk, sticks and leaves. In the afternoon we played the egg and bean game.
On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning we have been busy making castles out of junk modelling materials. We have used a variety of tools and techniques in creating our castles. On Tuesday afternoon we planted some bean seeds in a transparent bag so we can watch how they grow under the soil. We will be able to see the roots etc.
On Wednesday we all had PE with Mr Treble on the school field. We played a game of moving along the white lines in different ways, tag and team running games. We were fab at working as a team and following instructions on how to play the team games.
On Thursday morning we had our grandparents snack which was totally amazing and enjoyed by us all. If was lovely to see so many grandparents and for them to spend time with us at The Prince of Wales Preschool. They were able to see some of the adventures we like getting up to.
We have enjoyed constructing with the Duplo, magnetic lego, small octagons and magnetic shapes. In the number area we have been exploring different types of bean seeds and matching numeral to quantity (1-6). We have also enjoyed playing number games with our friends. We have been sorting the pictures into initial sound pots. We have also enjoyed using the playdough and using a variety of tools, beans, pipe cleaners, green leaves to make beanstalks along with bugs and insects. On our finger frenzy table this week we have been using magnetic pens with the magnetic ball boards. We have made all sorts of shapes and patterns. On the small world table we have been playing with the puppet theatre and the puppets from the story of Jack and the beanstalk. In the water tray we have had bubbly water with different construction shapes to make a castle. In our role play we have had a home corner with a rather large Tiger.
We have met the Co-operative caterpillar and he has been looking out for all the co-operative things we have been doing.
We have met reni the Renee Reciprocal Bee who is all about team work.
How can you help your children establish Reciprocity at home? Reciprocity is all about give and take, the fundamental skills for life long learning that we are aiming to instil are those of Interdependence - balancing independence and sociability;
Collaboration - the skills of learning with others; Empathy - thinking about others’ points of view and feelings; Listening - it’s more than just hearing and Imitation - picking up others’ habits and values. You can do this through play and day to day activities at home by: •Demonstrating/modelling being a good learner. •Work, play and learn alongside your children, enabling them to pick up good habits through imitation. •Make expectations of turn-taking and cooperation clear.
Can you tell a family member some words which rhyme?
Can you share a story at home and can you tell the story to an adult using the pictures?
Can you play a game which involves taking turns?
Can you make a repeating pattern with everyday objects e.g. red apple, green apple, red apple..
Can you have a go mark making one of the sounds we have learnt at pre-school?
Can you play a Fred Talk game at home? A FRED talk video game link to take part in. Fred Frog game
This week is swimming week, please can children bring their kit in this week for swimming. Towel, swimming costume and goggles if they wish too.
As the sunny weather is appearing please could all children come to school with suncream on. This week please don't wear it on the day they are due to swim. We will put it on them after swimming. Also we will reapply suncream after lunch if needed.
To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available.
DEP School wear shop
W: https://www.
T: 01305 750292