Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a great weekend. The weather has definately got a little chillier.
Last week we had great time sharing a range of Elmer stories at group time. We remembered the author as David McKee.
On Monday it was Odd Socks day and at group time we talked about Odd Sock day and showed our friends our odd socks. We talked about how we are all special and unique. We also talked about how to be kind to our friends. We watched the Odd socks day song by Andy from Cbeebies. Afterwards we designed our own odd socks with a variety of media. We also shared the story of Elmer which talks about us all being different and special.
In the afternoon we did some duplo printing onto an elephant outline. These looked liked Elmer. We talked about the shape of a square and colours. We also had rugby tots which was lots of fun.
On Tuesday we had PE with Mr Treble and we played lots of games with beanbags. We balanced them on our head and feet. We slid them across the floor. We also played Elmer lotto in small groups taking turns and sharing.
In the afternoon we went on a colour and shape hunt around the school. We founds lots of colours and shapes.
On Wednesday morning we did a science experiment with skittles. We sorted the skittles into colours and arranged them on a plate. We then added water and watched what happened. We made predictions about what might happen. The ideas we came up with were they might melt, they might explode, they might crack. We watched the skittles absorb the water and the colour ran out.
In the afternoon we did some colour mixing using a funnel. We poured different colours through a funnel and watched what colours we made. We then folded our paper in half. We made it into a patched work Elmer.
On Thursday we went to the Museum to see Elmer. It was amazing and children were all fantastic. We went on a big blue coach and when we got there we met Elmer. We did some great activities with Emma and Alex. First we went on a colour ribbon hunt around the museum. We found lots of coloured ribbons to put in the trolley. We then went on a cuddly toy animal hunt.
Next we drew some pictures for Elmer den and we used the ribbons to make a den for Elmer. Then we did some dancing with ribbons and shakers to jungle music. Afterwards we had a Elmer story read to us. We then had an explored of the Elmer exhibition. We then had snack and went on to explore the fossil area in the museum. We loved the shark slide.
On Friday it was Children in Need Day and we made some yummy spotty cakes for our snack. We talked about what Children in Need day was. In the afternoon we had a great time playing on the playtrail and chasing the adults on the school field. The children are super fast runners.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed playing with the wild animal small world with Elmer elephant. We have loved creating homes for the dogs using the magnetic shapes. We have been making marks in the green sand. We have loved exploring the metal detectors in the sand and finding treasure. We have been busy making cakes with the playdough.
Some photos of the week:
Next week we are going to be exploring India and elephants. We have lots of exciting activities linked to this including indian food tasting, looking at maps and globes, talking about the differences between African and Indian elephants and lots more.
Home learning
-Can you have a go at putting your socks on by yourself?
-Can you go a number hunt? What numbers can you find?
-Can you think of some rhyming words?
On Tuesday it is stay and play from 8.30am till 9.00am.
On Friday it is POWSA Film night. The film being shown is Arthur Christmas. Story from 5.00pm and film starting at 5.30pm. Tickets can be purchased from the main school office. Please see poster for more details.
This week we will be starting to send home our play library. Please see link for video for information about this. https://www.facebook.com/POWFS/videos/1039096813302955
Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022
The Local Food Links Christmas lunch is on Wednesday 15th December. If you would like to order, please do so by midnight on Wednesday 8th December (at least 7 days in advance) - https://my.localfoodlinks.org.uk/ . This is the busiest day of our year and we will not be able to make any exceptions for late orders! Please ask Caroline for a unique code if you do not usually have hot dinners.
You can order your child's Christmas cards they have made at https://www.myschoolart.co.uk
This has been kindly organised by POWSA as a fundraising event.
Please find information below about a useful advice line for parents and carers of 0-5years.

ParentLine is a new confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of 0-5 year olds in Dorset to seek advice via text message from our Health Visiting team about their child’s health.
Parents and carers can seek advice about a range of issues such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, sleep, toileting, minor illness, behaviour, parenting and more.
ParentLine will run 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and bank holidays) with a ParentLine Practitioner responding to messages within one working day. If a text is sent outside these hours the parent/carer will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. This new messaging service is being provided in addition to the current Health Visiting service offer.
Text 07312 277162 for confidential advice and support from a member of the Health Visiting team
ParentLine is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention contact your GP, 111 or 999.
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.
Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.
Here's to a great week.
Julia, Karen, Helen, Colleen, Sharon, Chloe, Zoe, Lauren