Hello everyone,
WOW, what an amazing first week back we have had. The children have all been amazing and have settled in really well. It has been great spending time getting to know all the children through lots of play inside and outside. Last week we spent lots time exploring our preschool classroom and outside space. We have also been busy looking after the chickens and guinea pigs.
Throughout the week we have been looking in the mirror and painting our self portrait. We talked about our face features and colours. Here is a display of our self portraits.
In group time we have been enjoying a variety of stories and used our great listening ears. We have also met Jennie Jigsaw and we told her our names and our favourite things to do.
On Monday afternoon we went to the sunflower trail. We did some great walking and had a yummy ice lolly there. We talked all about the things we could see on our walk. We walked around the trail and played on the straw bales. On Tuesday morning a group of children had PE with Mr Treble. We played lots of fun games which involved following an instruction and using our listening ears. We played sleepy pirate, Traffic lights and lots more. Next week the other group of children will have PE with Mr Treble.
On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon we went to soft play in small groups which was great fun. On Friday afternoon we went and played on the playtrail. Every morning a small group of children have helped prepare snack for everyone. At snack time we have had the challenge of recognising our name card.
Throughout the week we have enjoyed exploring the sunflower heads with magnifying glasses and tweezers. We have enjoyed painting lots of pictures with different paint tools. We have been exploring the number peg boards and recognising some numerals and counting out the pegs. We have been busy constructing with the magnetic shapes, wooden blocks and Duplo. We have had great fun role playing in the home corner role play and ice cream shop with our friends.
Here are some photos of the week....
For the next two weeks we will be sharing the story of Shark in the Park which is one of the children's favourite stories. We will also be sharing the different variations of the story including shark in the park on a windy day and shark in the dark. This is a great story with repeated refrains and lots of positional language. Throughout the week we will be doing lots of activities linked to the story and the children’s interests including telescopes, shape hunts, cooking and drama along with lots more.
This week we are also going to meet Reggie the Resilient Tortoise and our class emotions monster.
Home learning
Visit your local park for a play. Can you swing, jump, balance and climb? Which playground equipment is your favourite?
Use a clothes peg to make your own shark. You could draw straight onto the peg; just draw on some spikey teeth; cut out a shark shape and stick it on or just use your imagination. Use your shark peg to go around the house and see what your shark can bite and even pick up. Can it pick up some paper? A sock? The stem of an apple? A hair band? Etc. The action needed to use a peg requires important finger muscles that your children need to develop at this age. If you use the peg for a while, they will start to feel it in their fingers! We would love to see your shark pegs. Please do bring them into show your friends.

On Friday it is non-school uniform day to support summer fair. Please see poster below for more details...
On Saturday 18th September is the summer fayre from 11.00-3.00pm in the playground at school. Please see poster for more details. Look forward to seeing lots of you there.
Open morning for September 2022 Applicants. Poster below for details.
Please note that invoices will not be sent home this week, please bear with us as we need to amend all invoices to take into account the last week of the summer term when we had to isolate. As you can appreciate this will take some time so we will do our best to get the invoices home as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.
Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022
You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.
To order uniform for Pre-school please see link below. We also have some second hand uniform available which will be outside on the table at drop off and pick up.
DEP School wear shop
W: https://www.dorsetprintwear.com/the-prince-of-wales-school
T: 01305 750292
E: sales@dorsetprintwear.co.uk
I will be doing an information session about what we do in Year 2 e.g. book bags, changing bags, Key worker groups, Jennie Jigsaw, Sounds and Letters,EYFS, trips, swimming etc. Please look out for the letter and hope to see lots of you there, as there will be lots of useful information to support your child.
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.
Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.
Here's to an exciting and amazing Shark in the park week full of fun and adventures.
Julia, Helen, Sharon, Karen and Colleen
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