You will need 5 basic things to create your very own Rainbow Salt Tray: about 100g cooking salt, sticky tape, coloured paper, a tray (see below for some ideas) and a paint brush.
- Cut the paper to fit and cover the base of the tray in order of the colours of a rainbow.
- Place sticky tape over the joins of the paper to avoid the salt moving underneath the coloured paper.
- Cover the paper lightly with salt.
Tip: Only a small amount of salt is required for this activity as too much can make it harder to see the drawings. You can also make your tray any colour you would like, possibly your child’s favourite colour, whatever motivates or interests them!
Ice boats Water play:

You will need food colouring, straws, sticky tape and craft foam for the sail as it is water proof and light. You will also need containers for freezing the water in; I reused some empty yoghurt containers and just cut the height down to size. I added yellow and red food colouring to the water to make this sensory play a bit more interesting.
- You can basically use any materials to make the sail for the boat but do keep in mind that it needs to be light and well balanced with the size of the ice boats as the sail can flip the boat upside down if it is too heavy.
- I added the straw sails to the ice boats when they were partly frozen. You could alternatively use blu tac or plasticine at the bottom of the container when adding the water.
February Get Fit
To help combat the lockdown, winter blues and to inspire your household this February to get fit...Here at the Prince of Wales School we are challenging all children to increase their fitness throughout February - and beyond.
You could try something new everyday like: trampoline, stretching, yoga, ball skills, Joe Wicks or dancing.
To help motivate your child to walk, run, cycle or scoot we are challenging the school to record how many KMs we can travel in the month.
Fill in the form below every time you do some exercise and help us to reach our target -
There will also be competitions between each class to see which year group travels the furthest.
Please share any photos and videos of anything that gets your child moving.
Thank you in advance for your contiunued support.
Warm regards,
Ms C Browne - PE Subject Leader
We love seeing all the lovely home learning you are all doing so please do email it in to j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk and headteacher@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
Please always remember you can call or email us anytime if you have a question or need anything.
My email is: j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
On Tuesday 9th February I am doing a virtual zoom Purple Mash information session at 7.30pm. A link for this session will be sent out on Tuesday afternoon. Please see email sent on Friday for more details.
We break up for half term this Thursday (11th February) and return back on Monday 22nd February.
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