Hello everyone,
We hope you all have had a wonderful weekend. Last week we had a great week continuing to settle in to pre-school and enjoying the outside space. Throughout the week we have been painting our self portraits for our classroom. When painting these we have been looking in the mirror and looking at what colour our eyes are and where about they are on our face. See below for a picture of our display.
On Monday afternoon we used chalk to draw around ourselves and each other. we enjoyed eating our snack outs. On Tuesday we had Mr Treble in the morning for PE. We played hide and seek around the garden and played a game where you roll a dice and do an action that many times. It was great fun. Throughout the week we have enjoyed using different materials including paint, tissue paper and pencils to recreate the beautiful sunflowers on the drawing table. See picture below.

On Wednesday afternoon we went on a stick hut and collected lots of different sized sticks. We then used the sticks to make an outline of our bodies. We then used natural objects for eyes, nose, mouth etc.On Thursday afternoon we made cheese on toast for snack. We also enjoyed going to the play on the play trail. On Friday we enjoyed playing with the enormous boxes and used our imagination. We used them to hide in, make an aeroplane and boat. On Friday afternoon we went to the garden and picked some Rhubarb to make some muffins for our snack and to bring home. They were delicious. We also used fabric, nuts, bolts, washers and wool to make people. See picture below.
Throughout the week we have continued to enjoy listening stories and singing nursery rhymes at group time.
This week we will be sharing the story of Shark in the Park which is one of the children's favourite stories. We will also be sharing the different variations of the story including shark in the park on a windy day and shark in the dark. This is a great story with repeated refrains and lots of positional language. Throughout the week we will be doing lots of activities linked to the story including telescopes, shape hunts, cooking and drama along with lots more. If you would like to borrow the story, please speak to a member of staff.
Home learning:-
WOW, we have all enjoyed seeing your amazing home learning and have been using them for our snack time name cards. There's still plenty of time to make one if you would like to.
To help us recognise our own name we thought you and your child might like to create their name out of different materials. We would like to use these for our snack time name cards. If you would like to do one, please bring them in when you have finished. We would love to show everyone your amazing home learning.
If you have any empty kitchen roll and wrapping paper tubes please bring them into pre-school. We would like to make telescopes. When you bring your telescope home, can you use it to find an object of interest? Take a picture and bring it in to pre-school to show everyone.
On Friday 18th September we are holding a non uniform day to say a big thank you to all the key workers. The money raised will be supporting Dorset County Hospital
If you are in Group A please come at 8.55 to the group A door and pick up from the group A door at the end of children's session at 12.00pm, 1.00pm or 3.30
If you are in Group B please come at 9.05 to the group B door and pick up from the group B door at the end of children's session at 12.00pm, 1.00pm or 3.20
We place all lunch boxes in the fridge, please label lunch boxes with your child's name. If you would like to order your child a hot lunch, please speak to a member of staff and Caroline will arrange a hot lunch code for you.
We will be sending photos to you via the Marvellous Me App of your child's adventures and achievements . If you would like a password reminder, please let us know.
It would great if pre-school t-shirts and jumpers can be named.
I will be doing an information session virtually using Zoom on Tuesday 22nd September @7.30pm about what we do in Year 2 e.g. book bags, changing bags, Keyworkers, Jennie Jigsaw, Sounds and Letters,EYFS, trips, swimming etc. Please look out for the letter and send back your email address so a link can be sent to you, as there will be lots of useful information to support your child.
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. If you would like some WOW slips, these can be found on the outside notice board in a wallet.
If your child is staying for after school club till 4.30, they will not necessarily need a snack as we have an afternoon snack time at 3.00pm everyday as part of our routine. Also after school club for pre-school will be in the pre-school hall so please come round to the hall door to collect your child.
Primary school applications:- You can now apply for your child's place for Primary schools. The closing date for application is the 15th January 2021. Here is the link:- https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/education-and-training/schools-and-learning/apply-for-a-school-place/starting-school-for-the-first-time.aspx
The Prince of Wales School has an open morning for September 2021 applicants on Wednesday 14th October @ 9.30am.
I will find out the information about open mornings in other Dorchester school and will post this information on the blog.
Here's to a great second week back full of fun and adventures.
Julia, Colleen, Helen, Karen and Sharon.
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