Hello everyone,
We had an amazing first day back at pre-school today. We all enjoyed hearing about each others summer holiday adventures and sharing some great home learning.
We all got to meet Mr Treble today for PE. We had great fun playing lots of games which involved moving in different ways. We will continue to have Mr Treble for PE every Wednesday morning.
This afternoon we did a variety of activities. We went out on the balance bikes for a bike ride around school. We also went up to the wildlife garden to feed the chickens and guinea pigs. We collected some eggs. We also picked some melons and raspberries which we enjoyed eating at snack. We also picked some cucumbers and tomatoes. We are going to do some cooking tomorrow with the tomatoes.
We have begun to draw pictures of our summer holiday adventures which will go up on the board in the classroom.
Here's to another fun and exciting day tomorrow.
Julia and Pre-school team
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