Hello everyone,
Last week we enjoyed listening to the story of Stanley's Stick and the different ways Stanley used his sticks. Can you remember some of the ways he used his stick? On Thursday a group went swimming and had a great time, we were blowing bubbles, putting our face in the water and moving around the pool in different ways. On Thursday we had our pasta lunch with our home made sauce from the tomatoes in the garden. On Thursday morning a group of children went to the school orchard and picked some apples. Another group of children made an apple crumble for our pudding. It was all very delicious and there were lots of empty plates and seconds had. We will be having another make your own lunch next term. On Thursday afternoon we went out on the balance bikes for a ride around school. We also went to the Wigwam for a story. Throughout the week we have also been practicing our scissors skills by making a stickman out of a kitchen roll. On Wednesday morning we had Mr Treble and we played some team games involving balls. We rolled the big balls. We were all amazing at changing into our plimsols. On Tuesday afternoon we played number bingo. We have continued to make our stick man out of sticks and using different tools. These are up on display in the classroom. On Monday we had great fun with our teddies. We took them on a walk around the school grounds and played some parachute games and What's the time Mr Teddy. In the afternoon we made dens for our teddies in Soft play and we also made some teddy bear biscuits to bring home.
For the next fortnight we will be exploring and learning about harvest and the season Autumn. We have got lots of activities planned around Harvest. we will be listening to a variety of stories about Harvest and Autumn. We will be learning some harvest and Autumn songs. On Friday it is dress like a farmer for the day. We have got some more wood work planned which the children have really enjoyed doing. We will also be harvesting some apples from the orchard and doing some cooking with the produce. For snack we will be talking about where our food has come from and how it is made e.g bread-wheat.
Jennie Jigsaw:- We will be talking about different emotions this week e.g. What makes us happy
Letters and Sounds
We will be using the signs from Read write inc which are "my turn, your turn" "talk to your partner". Looking at stories with rhyming endings.
Home Learning
Can you draw, make or find something that reminds you of Harvest?
Please bring in your home learning or take a photo and bring in to pre-school or email to preschoolparents@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk and I can print them out.
On Tuesday 1st October it is our POWSA AGM and meeting for future events at 7.30pm in the Main school staff room. All welcome. If you have any questions please come and see me.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 2nd October from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Thursday morning is swimming. Children who are swimming will need a towel, swim costume, googles. We will be using a 2 week rota and you will get a letter to let you know which Thursdays your child will swimming. If your child does not attend on a Thursday they will have an opportunity to swim another time during the year. We change swimming mornings each term.
On Friday 4th October it is dress like a farmer day. Children can come into pre-school dressed as farmers.
On Friday 4th October we have our story time at 5.00pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Friday 11th is Autumn Fest. We welcome all our families. It is from 5pm-7.30pm and there is lots of activities (camp fire marshmallows, music, Autumn crafts, Magic Show, stories in the roundhouse, pumpkin carving, conker rolling and apple bobbing) There is also food and drinks at the event which can be purchased. Tickets for Autumn Fest are £5.00 for a family of 4 and additional children tickets are £1.00. These can be purchased from the main school office or on the night. Please see poster for more details. Its is a great family evening.
This week a letter will be going home about Parents evening which is on Monday 21st and Thursday 24th October. The sign up sheet is in the corridor by the pigeon holes. If these dates are not convenient please do come and see me for an alternative date and time.
If your child attends pre-school on a Wednesday morning please could they bring in a named pair of plimsols for PE. From previous experience plimsols with a velcro strap are easier for the children to put on.
Thank you for all the lovely WOW'S, we love sharing these during group time. Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please come and ask one of the staff.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 30th November from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us. It was lovely to see you at our stay play this weekend.
Please do come and see myself if you have any questions.
Heres to a great week.
Julia and Pre-school team