Hello everyone,
Last week we enjoyed painting our salt dough sea creatures and binging them home. Some great pieces of art. On Monday morning we went to watch the Extreme Bike Show which we all enjoyed. The biker did some amazing tricks on his mountain bike and at one point jumped off the top of his van on his bike!! We have talked about our favourite flavoured ice cream and read some stories about ice creams. On Wednesday morning we made strawberry ice cream. On Thursday morning we made mango sorbet. The children cut up the fruit and watched the ice cream being made in the machine. After lunch on both days we enjoyed tasting the ice cream we made. It was enjoyed by many!!!
We have all enjoyed playing in the ice cream role play shop in the maths corner. This week we picked our first cucumbers and tomatoes to enjoy eating a snack. Lots of children tried trying them. On Thursday and Friday afternoon we enjoyed playing party games and showing our dance moves. We have enjoyed exploring and learning in the outdoor space this week. On Friday afternoon we had Dance Day, the children were great in the pre-school dance. We hope you all enjoyed.
For the next two week we are going to be having our favourite toys and resources out. We will be asking the children what things have been their favourites and these will be put out for them. On Tuesday morning from 9.15-9.45am we have got our sports day on the main school field. Parents very welcome to come and watch. We are going to be doing some cooking with the produce from the nature garden this week. It going to a fun and exciting filled week.
Home learning
At home talk about you favourite toys and resources at pre-school, so your ready to tell Julia next week.
We will continue with our rhyming door by adding new rhyming words and playing rhyming games. We will continue to revisit the Read Write Inc Pictures and lots of FRED talk activities We will also continue with some alliteration by playing I spy. Julia's group have been learning the sound m, a, s, d, t, I n, p, g, o, c ,k ,u, b, e, f, l, h, r. Karen's group will be learning the sound m, a, s, d, t, I,n ,p,g,o,c,k this week. Helen's group will be learning the sound m, a, s, d, t, I n, p,g,o,c,k,u this week.
Please remember to check your Child’s post pocket when you hang up coats in the mornings, all important post will be there.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
As the weather is starting to get warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. If you have applied suncream to your child before school please could you let a member of staff know. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure children have this when they come to Pre-school ready for us to apply
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 10th July from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Tuesday 9th July we have our story time at 3.10pm. Please come and join us. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there
On Tuesday 9th July we have got our Year 2 preschool sports day from 9.15-9.45. If you are not in on a Tuesday, children are very welcome to come along with an adult and join in. Parents are very welcome to come and watch.
I am afraid there is no swimming this week as the pool pump is broken and we are awaiting parts.
Over the past couple of weeks POWSA have put on some fantastic events and have raised an amazing amount for the school. Thank you to everyone for supporting these events.
Here's to a great week.
Julia and Pre-school team
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