Hello everyone,
Last week we talked about harvest. Some of us went to the orchard to harvest apples and pears. In small groups this week we have made apple muffins with the apples we collected. We practiced using knives to cut the apple into small pieces. For snack we had different breads, porridge and cereal and talk about where they come from. On Monday morning some of us made salt dough. On Monday afternoon we went to Reception for a joint afternoon. We made snails out of salt dough and conkers, leaf rubbings, tasting bread and exploring Reception classroom. Pictures of our afternoon will be up in the corridor this week. We have also been doing some threading of apple and pears shapes. We challenged ourselves to thread 10 fruits. This will be up on display this week. We have taken our beanstalk down this week and have enjoyed taking the beans out of the pods and looking at the diff rent sizes and colours. On Friday morning we went to harvest assembly and sang dingle dangle scarecrow and old MacDonald farm. We were all very confident at doing this. We have also made our own scarecrow for the garden which the children really enjoyed making.
This week we will be exploring Autumn and the animals that like to hibernate in Autumn. We will be sharing lots of stories, poems and songs about Autumn. We will be asking the children what they would like to find out about Autumn. We will be going on a leaf hunt around the school grounds along with lots more fun activities.
Home learning
Can you find a picture or an object which reminds you of Autumn to bring in for our interest table.
Jennie Jigsaw
This week we will be talking about kind hands and kind words. Remembering how important these things are when playing with friends. We will be making our own poster using our hand print for this.
Letters and Sounds
Fred frog from Read write inc
Joining in with repeated refrains and rhyming ends of stories
It's great to see so many WOW'S. We loved to share them at group time. Spare WOW slips are in the hall way.
We have launch Marvellous Me in Pre-school. Please check pigeon holes for login details and return permission slips as soon as possible. If you have any questions please come and see Julia.
There is a POWSA AGM meeting on Tuesday 9th October at 7.30pm in the school staff room. Please come and see Julia if you would like more information.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday. This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 11th October from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
We had a lovely evening at Autumn fest with all our families. We raised an amazing £820.00.
On Thursday 11th October it is Wacky Hair day in Aid of Weldmar Hospice care. Recommended donation is £1.00. Look forward to seeing some Wacky hair styles.
Friday 12th October is a staff training day. Pre-school will be closed on this day.
A letter has gone home about Parents evening which is on Tuesday 16th and Thursday 18th October. The sign up sheet is in the corridor by the pigeon holes. If these dates are not convenient please do come and see me for an alternative date and time.
Our next Saturday Stay and Play is on Saturday 20th October from 10.00-11.30am. Younger and old siblings very welcome to join us.
If you wild to join us with our family trip to see the Enormous Turnip, please returns slips by Thursday 11th October 2018.
Please do come and see me if you have any questions.
Here's to another fun and exciting week.
Julia and pre-school team
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