Hello everyone and welcome back to the new school year with lots of fun and exciting exploring and learning.
This week we will be focusing on settling back into preschool in year 2 and will be a time for the children and yourselves to get to know us.
The adults who will be working within the year 2 classroom is myself, Sharon, Karen, Helen and Colleen.
We will also be talking about what you have all been doing in the holidays and if you have any pictures or writing you would like to bring in, please do.
For our SOUNDS AND LETTERS PHASE 1 we will be listening to sounds you can hear indoors through different games.
Our JIGSAW theme this half term is ‘Who am I?’. This week we will be introducing Jennie Jigsaw and the chime bar. Also telling each other our names and talking about what we like to play with along with our favourite toy. If the children have a picture of their favourite toy, please bring it in for our display.
Every week there will be a blog about everything that is happening at pre-school and home learning you may like to do. This is normally published on a Sunday evening.
If you are staying for lunch please place your lunchbox on the trolley ready to go to the fridge.
There will be a coffee morning within the first few weeks back and I will be doing a talk about what we do in Year 2 e.g. book bags, changing bags, Keyworkers, Jennie Jigsaw, Sounds and Letters, EyFS. Please look out for the letter and hope to see lots of you there as there will be lots of useful information to support your child.
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please come and ask one of the staff.
Please do come and see myself if you have any questions.
Heres to a great first week back.
Julia and Pre-school team
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