Hello everyone,
Last week we enjoyed sharing lots of seaside stories and poems. It was lovely to read some of the stories which the children have bought in about the seaside.
On Monday we talked about different flavoured ice creams and our favourite flavours of ice cream. We made a picture graph of our favourite ice creams on purple mash. The children were able to use the graph to tell us which was the most popular and the least popular.
On Tuesday a group of children made strawberry ice cream which involved cutting up all the strawberries using knives, mixing all the ingredients and pouring it into the ice cream maker. The children enjoyed watching the changes thats took place to the mixture once we put it in the ice cream maker.
On Wednesday Isaac's daddy came into pre-school to talk to us about scuba diving. He bought in all his scuba diving kit. We got to try on the flippers, mask and breathing tubes. We looked at lot's of pictures of people scuba diving and animals which live under the sea. The children came up with some fantastic questions to ask about scuba diving. We tried the strawberry ice cream for snack which was very yummy. Another group of children made banana ice cream using the same process as on Tuesday.
On Thursday we tried banana ice cream and also made peach ice cream. We made our own scuba diving pictures which are up on display.
On Friday we tried the peach ice cream which was delicious. We have also water coloured our favourite ice cream flavours. The children were fantastic at painting their favourite flavours and carefully painted within the lines. From this activity lot's of children then went to the drawing table and created their own ice creams using different techniques.
The children have been finishing their salt dough underwater creatures and painted them. Some great creativity has taken place in making them. They look fantastic. The children have been bringing them home. We have also been gardening and continuing with digger land.
This week we will be continuing our seaside theme with lots more seaside stories, poems and songs. We have got a couple of visitors coming into school this week. On Tuesday we have got the beach lifeguards coming in to do a talk about beach safety. On Wednesday we have got the mobile rock pool from the sealife centre coming in. We will also be gardening in our new veg patch in the wild life garden. We will be planting some seeds.
Sounds and Letters
We will be doing lots of singing with our cd songs, rhyming door and initial sounds.
Jennie Jigsaw
We will be continuing with our topic of family and friends
Home learning
Can you find a picture of the royal wedding?
As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. If you have applied suncream to your child before school please could you let a member of staff know. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure children have this when they come to pre-school ready for us to apply.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday. This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 24th May from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Tuesday 22nd May at 7.30pm in the Year 4 classroom (the hut) is a POWSA meeting to discuss further fundraising events. If you would like more information please come and see Julia.
We break up for half term this Friday (25th May) and return back to school on Tuesday 5th May.
The summer bingo on Friday evening raised an amazing amount of £211.24. It was a great evening with some fab prizes.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
Looking forward to a great week.
Julia and Pre-school team
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