I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Holiday with your families. Over the holidays we have had our new fence put up to extend the pre-school playground. It looks fantastic and is going to enhance our outdoor provision greatly. To enter the pre-school please continue to come the same way as before. I hope you have all enjoyed watching the live web cam of the chicks. We have also rescues 7 hens which are now in the chicken enclosure.
For the next fortnight we are going to be lot's of gardening and looking at bugs and insects around our school grounds. We will also be sharing the story of the Hungry Caterpillar and from this will exploring different fruits and mixing paints. We will be sharing lots of fiction and non fiction books about bugs and insects along with gardening books. To begin the week we will be asking the children about what they would like to do and find out about. We will be planting our potatoes this week along with some other seeds. We will also be looking after our chickens by feeding them and collecting the eggs. Also we will be exploring our new outside play area. On Monday we will be talking about what we got up to in the Easter Holidays.
Wow, what a busy week we are going to have.
Letters and sounds
We will be continuing our rhyming door. Have you thought of any new words over the holidays that rhyme?
Odd one out
Put out three objects or pictures, two with names that rhyme and one with a name that does not. Ask the child to identify the ‘odd one out’: the name that does not rhyme. Start with a small set of words that can then be extended.
Home Learning
Can you bring in something to do with bugs, insects and gardening. It could be a model, picture, book or an object.
Put out three objects or pictures, two with names that rhyme and one with a name that does not. Ask the child to identify the ‘odd one out’: the name that does not rhyme. Start with a small set of words that can then be extended.
Home Learning
Can you bring in something to do with bugs, insects and gardening. It could be a model, picture, book or an object.
As the weather is starting to warm, please could all children bring sun hats to school. We do have a box of spares if needed. If you have applied suncream to your child before school please could you let a member of staff know. If you have ticked to supply your own suncream, please could you make sure children have this when they come to pre-school ready for us to apply.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday. This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 20th April from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Friday 20th April 5.00pm-7.30pm we are having Spring Fest. There will be lots of activities to take part in including spring crafts, planting, meeting the chickens, lambs, music, egg rolling and lots more. Tickets are £5.00 per a family of 4. Additional children £1.00. There will also be a hog roast which will be £2.50 per a person. Tickets for Spring fest and Hog roast can be purchased from the Main school office. Hope to see lots of you there for a fun family evening out.
Here's to a great first week back.
Julia and Pre-school team
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