Hello Everyone,
Last week at the beginning of the week in small groups we talked about what we did during the holidays. It was lovely to hear all about their adventures. The children have drawn pictures of what they did in the holidays. These are up on display in the classroom. We have celebrated Chinese New Year this week which the children have really enjoyed. We have tried some Chinese food including prawn crackers, noddles, spring rolls, stir fry, fortune cookies and sweet and sour. The children really enjoyed the prawn crackers and noodles. On Friday we had a Chinese Banquet. We used chopsticks to eat our noodles. Cody showed us how to use them. We listened to some Chinese New Year stories and learnt lots of fact e.g. the colour red is good luck. We made some dragon puppets and then went into the hall and did some dragon dancing. We also listened to some Chinese music and then made our own Chinese music up using the instruments at school. We watched some Chinese New Year celebrations on the interactive whiteboard. Henry bought is a Chinese outfit, which we tried on.
We have had a great first week back.
This week we are celebrating World Book Day (Thursday 1st March) by lots activities around stories and books. We are visiting the library on Wednesday or Thursday in small groups. We are going on the bus. Throughout the week we will be sharing lot's of our favourite stories and finding different places to read them. We will be talking about the books we share e.g. what do you think might happen?, recalling stories, describing characters and settings etc. Its going to be a brilliant week.
Home learning
Can you bring in your favourite story ? Can you think of a fun and different place to read your story? Take a photo and bring it in.
Jennie Jigsaw-
This half term Jennie will be talking to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy. Last week we talked about how we can keep our bodies healthy. This week we will be naming the different parts of our bodies and whats happens when we exercise. We will be playing lots of games in the hall along with Head shoulders knees and toes.
Letter and Sounds
We will be talking about places we need to be quiet. Also we will be continuing with our rhyming door. We are becoming very good at rhyming. Take a look at all our rhyming words.
With a cold snap forecasted... just a reminder about our school closure procedures.
In the event of snow, Mr. Spracklen will make a decision if the school is to close before 06:30am. School will only close in the MOST EXTREME circumstances.
If a decision to close the school is made:
- Mr. Spracklen will officially close the school through the Dorset For You website.
- Mr. Spracklen will update social media and the school website with school closure notice.
All staff, parents and children should check Dorset For You website, social media and/or the school website which by 07:00am will show if the school is open or closed.
We have now got a new noticeboard which is on the wall by the Pre-School Year 2 door. Notices and daily information will be placed on this board. Please still look at the blog as this is where we display what we have been learning about and lots more. The noticeboard is for quick reference or daily information.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 28th February from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
This week on Thursday 1st March it is world book day. Children may come dressed as their favourite character from a story.
On Friday 2nd March from 6.00pm-7.00pm in the Main school we are having a bedtime story hour. Children can come in their pyjamas and bring their favourite teddy. There will be hot chocolate and biscuits. Please see letter for information regarding this event.
Our Saturday Stay and Play morning is on the 10th March from 10.00-11.30am. After this we are having a community make over afternoon on the pre-school garden. It would be great to see all you.
On Friday 9th March POWSA are running an Easter Bingo evening. Doors open at 5.30pm and eyes down for 6.00pm. POWSA will be sending home a plate for donations of cakes for the refreshments for the evening.
Julia and Pre-School Team
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