Hello Everyone,
We all hope you have had a wonderful half term.
This week at pre-school we will be talking about what we have been doing during the half term holidays in small groups. We will be drawing a picture of something we enjoyed doing during half term. This will then be up on display. I can't wait to hear all about your adventures. Also this week we will be celebrating Chinese New Year. We will be trying lots of different Chinese food and having a Chinese Banquet at the end of the week. We will be using chopsticks as well. We will be sharing some Chinese New Year stories, making dragon puppets on sticks, listening to Chinese music, watching Chinese New Year celebrations, making our own Chinese Music and dances up.
Home learning
Can you bring in a picture or an object which reminds you of something you did during the half term?
Jennie Jigsaw-
This half term Jennie will be talking to us about how we can keep our bodies healthy. This week we will be naming the different parts of our bodies and whats happens when we exercise. We will be playing lots of games in the hall along with Head shoulders knees and toes.
Letter and Sounds
I spy Names....
With a small group of children sitting in a circle, start the game by saying I spy someone
whose name begins with... and give the sound of the first letter, for example ‘s’ for Satish.
Then ask: Who can it be? Satish stands up, everyone says his name and he carries on
the game, saying I spy someone whose name begins with..., and so on. If any children
call out the name before the child with that name, still let the child whose name it is take
the next turn.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
Its lovely to see so many children taking home library books, they are also able to take home puzzles and games. We try very hard to make sure all puzzles and games are complete. If you receive a puzzle or game which is not complete, please let Sharon know. Also if you have any puzzles and games you no longer want, Preschool would be very grateful for any donations.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Thursday. This week Stay and Play will be on Friday 23rd February from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
Please sign up for parents evening which is the second week back after half term. Sign up sheet is in the corridor on the wall.
Next week on Thursday 1st March it is world book day. Children may come dressed as their favourite character from a story.
We are also visiting Dorchester Library on Wednesday 28th February and Thursday 1st March. If you have not already done so please return permission slips as soon as possible.
On Friday 2nd March from 6.00pm-7.00pm in the Main school we are having a bedtime story hour. Children can come in their pyjamas and bring their favourite teddy. There will be hot chocolate and biscuits. Please see letter for information regarding this event.
Our Saturday Stay and Play morning is on the 10th March from 10.00-11.30am. After this we are having a community make over afternoon on the pre-school garden. It would be great to see all you.
On Friday 9th March POWSA are running an Easter Bingo evening. Doors open at 5.30pm and eyes down for 6.00pm. POWSA will be sending home a plate for donations of cakes for the refreshments for the evening.
Julia and Pre-school Team