Hello everyone,
Last week we had a fantastic week all about the story of The Gingerbread Man. The children have joined in regularly with the repeated refrain throughout the story. The children were able to tell me the story using the pictures and could tell me the similarities and differences between different versions of the book. The children were able to tell me the characters, settings and the main events in the story. The children really enjoyed cooking their own gingerbread men to bring home and decorate. If you have any pictures of the decorated gingerbread men, please bring them in for our display. On Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning we did the gingerbread man experiment. The children had to predict what would happen when we put the gingerbread man into water. They came up with some great ideas. We then put him into the water and observed what happened. They were really fascinated and watched for a period of time. We also acted out the story of the gingerbread man in the hall. Throughout the week the children have made wooden bridges for the gingerbread man to cross, make their own gingerbread man out of play dough and lots more. Have a look at the display going up this week. On Friday Sharon came in and the children made some bird food to go into basket which they decorated with beads to hang up for the birds in the garden.
For the next two weeks we are going to be listening to the story of The tiger who came to tea with lots of exciting activities and experiences. We will be introducing the story through a joint morning with Reception on Monday morning. First thing we will be acting out the story in the hall to the cd followed by lots of activities with Reception. Throughout the two week we will be listening to the story, making tiger masks, making plates of food for the tiger, role ply area based on the story, facts about tigers and lots more. At the end of the two weeks we have the finale of a joint tea party on Friday afternoon with Reception and all our parents. Please see letter with all details in pigeon holes regarding this event.
Home learning
We would love to see some home learning around our story of The tiger who came to tea. It could be something you have made, books and objects etc.
Letters and Sounds
The children are becoming really good at rhyming words. We will be making our rhyming door.
Jennie Jigsaw
This week Jennie Jigsaw will be asking us what we are good at and we will be displaying our answers on our jigsaw board.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Wednesday. This week Stay and Play will be on Thursday 18th January from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Saturday January 20th is our stay and play Saturday morning from 10.00-11.30. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Saturday January 20th we have got our community make over afternoon from 2pm till 5pm working on the wildlife garden. It would be great to see you there.
On Friday 26th January from 2.30-3.30pm we are having our Tiger who came to tea party. Please have a look at the letter which has gone into pigeon holes. Any questions please do come and see me. Children can come to school on this day as one of the characters from the book.
Julia and Pre-school Team
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