Hello Everyone,
Last week on Monday we had a pretend bonfire snack. A group of tree made a pretend bonfire at the Round House camp fire area. We all went to the camp fire area and sat on logs around our pretend campfire. We had hotdogs, oranges, peppers and a drink. We talked about the colours and noises of fireworks during group time. We have made our own firework pictures using forks, cardboard tubes and paintbrushes with some lovely glitter and paint. These are on the wall for display. The children have also used chalk and black paper to make a firework picture. We have made chocolate breadstick sparklers. We learnt about how and why chocolates melts. We predicted what would happen to the chocolate and then made them into breadstick sparklers with hundreds and thousands.
On Thursday afternoon we went to school and used all the different musical instruments to create different firework sounds. We explored all the instruments and the sounds they made. We decided which one was our favourite and which firework sounds we could make. In group time we played the games of guess the instrument. The children really enjoyed using their ears to listen and guess the instruments. Also we sang some firework poems and songs and made up our actions for them. On Friday afternoon the children made some cakes for the bingo and decorated them with cake decorations. The children were fantastic at this and the cakes looked amazing. They were gone very quickly at Bingo.
This week we will be making our own name rockets which will involve us recognising our name and putting our name into the correct order and how many letters are in our names. We will also be using purple mash to make our own firework pictures and recalling our own firework events at home. On Friday we will be raising money for Children in Need and all children can come dressed in spots and stripes. A donation towards this fantastic charity would be greatly received in return for your child dressing up. We will be doing lots of Pudsey, spots and stripes activities.
Home learning
This week we will be doing some activities involving recognising our name. Over the week it would be fantastic if your child could find advertising logos they recognise in their environment. For example the Lidi sign or the McDonald sign. You may like to take a photo of it, drew it or cut out a picture.
This week we will be doing some activities involving recognising our name. Over the week it would be fantastic if your child could find advertising logos they recognise in their environment. For example the Lidi sign or the McDonald sign. You may like to take a photo of it, drew it or cut out a picture.
Jennie Jigsaw:-
This week we will be looking at how special we are and what makes us special.
This week we will be looking at how special we are and what makes us special.
Letters and Sounds-
Matching sound makers
Show pairs of sound makers (e.g. maracas, triangles) to a small group of children. Place one set of the sound makers in a feely bag.
The children take turns to select a sound maker from the feely bag. Once all the children have selected a sound maker, remind them to listen carefully. Play a matching sound maker. The child with that sound maker stands up and plays it.
Show pairs of sound makers (e.g. maracas, triangles) to a small group of children. Place one set of the sound makers in a feely bag.
The children take turns to select a sound maker from the feely bag. Once all the children have selected a sound maker, remind them to listen carefully. Play a matching sound maker. The child with that sound maker stands up and plays it.
This activity can be adapted by playing the sound maker behind a screen so that the
children have to identify it by the sound alone.
On Monday we have our new Deputy beginning her new adventure with us at Prince of Wales Preschool. Her name is Zoe Stockley. She previously worked at a local nursery for the last 12 years and has lots of experience and knowledge to bring with her. She will be working mainly in the year 1 preschool class.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 15th November from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
On Tuesday 7th Novemebr at 7.30pm in the main school was the POWSA AGM. Due to the Chair and Sectary roles becoming vacant, there is another POWSA Meeting this Tuesday 14/11/17 to try and fill these roles. These roles need to be filled to enable POWSA to run. If you think you would like to help, please come along to the meeting or come and have a word with Julia.
On Friday 10th November it was our Family Bingo evening. It was lovely to see some of our families there.
Don't forget Christmas card orders need to be handed in or order online by the 14th November. I hope you were all able to see the previews online. If you are unsure how to do this or have no access to the internet please do come and see me.
Any question please do come and see me.
Julia and Pre-school team
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