Hello Everyone,
A big thank you to everyone that supported the Bingo evening on Friday either by making cakes or coming to Bingo. It was a lovely evening and enjoyed by all. These events are really important as they raise much need funs for POWSA which supports the main school and pre-school directly.
Last week we learnt about hedgehogs, and we were very lucky to have three hedgehogs come to visit us at pre-school. We found out where they like to live, what they eat and what hedgehogs do in the winter. We played a hedgehog numbers game which we will continue this week. We went to the book fair and looked at the books and Julia read us a few stories especially Stickman. We also did some apple threading using a needle. Take a look at our display. We read some great hedgehog stories.
This week our learning continues and introduces pumpkins. We will be reading the collection of Pumpkin Soup stories by Helen Cooper, designing some pumpkin crafts and making some pumpkin soup. Also this week we will be making our Christmas cards to send home at the end of the week, which you can purchase online. More information about this will follow in a letter explaining the online process.
Sounds and Letters
We are getting much better at giving clues to our friends about an animal and getting them to guess what it is. We will continue this activity this week along with rhyming objects in soup game.
This week we are looking at responsibilities and what we are responsible for at pre-school and home. We will be planting some cress seeds to bring home and be responsible for looking after the seeds to enable them to grow. Please bring some photos in after half term of your cress and what you have made with your cress.
Don't forget parents evening this week on Monday and Tuesday. If these times are not convenient please come and see me to arrange a date and time that is convenient.
This week is our last week before half term. We break up for half term on Friday and return on Tuesday 1st November 2016.
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