Monday, 31 October 2016

Welcome back from half term

Image result for halloween spiders
Hello everyone,

We all hope you had a good half term break. It would be lovely to see some photos or information about what you did over the half term, maybe you saw the queen, days out, we would love to hear all about it.

Last week at pre-school we read the story of pumpkin soup and delicious soup. The children really enjoyed listening to the story and we then made our own pumpkin soup which some children tried. On the last day of term the children decorated spider cakes with our student. We also were very busy making our Christmas card design to bring home for half term.

The children also planted some cress seeds before the holiday which they are responsible for looking after the cress. It would be lovely to see some pictures of your child's cress and what they have made with their cress. This was part of Jennie Jigsaw and talking about responsibility.

This week we are going to be looking at spiders. We will be sharing the story of Spinderella by Julia Donaldson and Sebastian Braun  and making our own spiders for our number display. While making our spiders we will be talking about how many legs spiders have and how many on each side.
We will also be making our own spiders web as a group weaving wool onto a frame.
Also we will be playing some parachute games this week in small groups. We will also be playing some number games.

Letters and sounds:- This week we will be playing a game of rhyming soup as a group. We will be finding words that rhyme together for our soup e.g. rat and bat.

Home learning:-

Next week we will be doing some activities involving recognising our name. Over the week it would be fantastic if your child could find advertising logos they recognise in their environment. For example the Lidi sign or the McDonald sign. You may like to take a photo of it, drew it or cut out a picture.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 1st November) the photography will be coming in the morning to take photos of the children. If you would like siblings to be in the photo please come at 9.15. If you are not in tomorrow and would like your child's photography taken please also come at 9.15.

Also tomorrow by midnight is the last opportunity to order your child's Christmas cards. If you have order some please return your child's artwork so we can send it off to APFS. If any one is unsure on how to order these, please do come and see me.

Tomorrow night POWSA are meeting at the Poet Laurette at Poundbury to discuss the Christmas Fair. I will be going to this meeting. It would be great to see you there. It starts at 7.30pm.

Chloe Hirst our new member of staff is starting tomorrow and we look forward to her being part of our team.

On Wednesday is our stay and play morning this week. Doors open at 8.30, be lovely to see you there.

Our new school library bags have now arrived and a letter will follow with information about how to get one for your child.

Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Julia and the pre-school team


Sunday, 16 October 2016

Image result for pumpkin soup story

Hello Everyone,

A big thank you to everyone that supported the Bingo evening on Friday either by making cakes or coming to Bingo. It was a lovely evening and enjoyed by all. These events are really important as they raise much need funs for POWSA which supports the main school and pre-school directly.

Last week we learnt about hedgehogs, and we were very lucky to have three hedgehogs come to visit us at pre-school. We found out where they like to live, what they eat and what hedgehogs do in the winter. We played a hedgehog numbers game which we will continue this week. We went to the book fair and looked at the books and Julia read us a few stories especially Stickman. We also did some apple threading using a needle. Take a look at our display. We read some great hedgehog stories.

This week our learning continues and introduces pumpkins.  We will be reading the collection of Pumpkin Soup stories by Helen Cooper, designing some pumpkin crafts and making some pumpkin soup. Also this week we will be making our Christmas cards to send home at the end of the week, which you can purchase online. More information about this will follow in a letter explaining the online process.

Sounds and Letters

We are getting much better at giving clues to our friends about an animal and getting them to guess what it is. We will continue this activity this week along with rhyming objects in soup game.


This week we are looking at responsibilities and what we are responsible for at pre-school and home. We will be planting some cress seeds to bring home and be responsible for looking after the seeds to enable them to grow. Please bring some photos in after half term of your cress and what you have made with your cress.


Don't forget parents evening this week on Monday and Tuesday. If these times are not convenient please come and see me to arrange a date and time that is convenient.
This week is our last week before half term. We break up for half term on Friday and return on Tuesday 1st November 2016.

Monday, 10 October 2016

Whole School Monday 10th October 2016

Whole school Monday 10th October 2016

Yippee! The Book Fair arrives this week - perfect timing for some christmas shopping!!!!!!The children will all be visiting the book fair with their class, and I am sure they will come home full of excitement about books they have seen, so do pop along and buy a book or two!!!
We really appreciate the support you show us each year at the book fair, not only encouraging your child's love of reading but, every time you buy a book, we earn commission in vouchers to buy new books for the school library and the guided reading library. Great isn't it?

We rely heavily on this source to maintain a high quality, up to date library full of the latest reads and best sellers! This ensures that ALL children in the school have access to a well stocked library to explore and foster a love for books!

Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!

Mrs. Johnson 

Sunday, 9 October 2016


Hello Everyone,

Last week we had a great week learning all about Harvest. The children enjoyed harvesting the apples from the orchard and then making apple muffins with the apples. On Friday we took part in harvest assembly and children did fantastic at singing our Autumn song to all the parents and children. Thank you to everyone that bought some vegetables and fruit in for harvest. We had a great morning on Wednesday in reception as well. Please have look at the displays in both classrooms and corridor.

Our learning this week will be about hedgehogs. On Friday Helen found a baby hedgehog in pre-school garden. We showed the children and the children were interested in finding out more about hedgehogs. Some children had a go at drawing the baby hedgehog. We will also be continuing our apple threading and using the apples we harvested to make some stewed apple. On Tuesday we have got a hedgehog coming in to visit us. We will be doing some hedgehog crafts and a hedgehog number game.
On the computers this week, we will be creating our own autumn pictures using purple mash.
Alex will be playing lots of catching games with balls this week with the children.
We will be going over to the book fair to have a look at the books they have got and choosing a book for preschool.

Books:- We will looking at hedgehog stories along with non-fiction books about hedgehogs.

SOUNDS AND LETTERS. we continue on from last week with our we will be giving others a set of clues to guess an animal along with using our voice to make slow/fast quiet/loud and long/short sounds.

Home learning:- Have you got a picture, a book about hedgehogs or even have a go at making your own hedgehog.

Notices:- It was lovely to see lots of you come to stay on play on Wednesday. This week it is Thursday 8.30-9.00am. Be lovely to see lots of you there.
If you would like to sign up for parent consultations the sheet is in the corridor. If the dates and times are not suitable for you, please do come and see me and I can make another date for you.
We are still awaiting the arrival of our new library bags, so I will let you know once they are here and we will get the library up and running.
This week it is the book fair at school, please do come and support this as 60% of the profit comes back to the school and pre-school to buy new books. It starts on Wednesday morning and finishes Friday afternoon in the main school.
On Friday it is the family bingo evening starting at 5.30 in the main school hall. It would be lovely to see you there.


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Our morning with Reception

Image result for popcorn threadingImage result for conker rolling with paint

Evening everyone,

We have had a fantastic morning with Reception. The children adapted well to a new situation and really enjoyed themselves.  We did some conker rolling with paint outside with Alex and we got to explore reception outside area. Mr Gibson did some bread tasting. We got to try three different types of bread including brioche, tiger loaf and a seeded loaf. We were able to dip our bread in garlic oil and chilli oil. We also had a go at vegetable and fruit printing on large sheets of paper. Lastly with Julia we watched how to make popcorn in the popcorn maker and thread popcorn onto a string. We all had a go at tasting popcorn.
There will be a display up in the classroom of our morning in reception, please take a look.


Sunday, 2 October 2016


Hello everyone,

 Last week the children have been enjoying autumn crafts, which are now up on our display in the classroom. We read the story of we're going on a leaf hunt and children decided they would like to do this. So after snack we acted the story out and when on a leaf hunt for different colours. We have been doing some shape printing on leaves. The children are doing really well with finding shapes in the environment and naming them. Well done preschool.
The children have enjoyed playing football and practising their ball skills with Alex.
We have been singing some Autumn songs this week which the children have enjoyed singing. I will upload them to the blog so you can get the words.

PLEASE don't forget your harvest donations of produce. the children really enjoy making parcels and packets to sell. please bring them in by Thursday.

This coming week we will talk about harvest and what it is, farms, food and tractors and continuing with Autumn.
We will be going to the school orchard to harvest some apples for our cooking for the Harvest café at school on Friday and of course some cooking to come home. We will be creating some art work for the school hall for Harvest Festival. 
On Wednesday morning we are going to join reception for the morning to join in with some Autumn and Harvest activities.
On Friday we will be going to the school harvest assembly, We will be taking the harvest donations boxes we have created to assembly.
We will be planting some onions, garlic and daffodils in the pre-school garden this week. We will talk about what bulbs need to grow.

 JIGSAW.  last week we talked about kind hands and made a poster with the children's thoughts about all the things kind, gentle hands can do. This week with the children we will be making a set of golden rules, that is the way the children think we should all behave in our pre school. We can refer to this in the future!

 SOUNDS AND LETTERS. we continue on from last week with our we will be giving others a set of clues to guess an animal along with using our voice to make slow/fast quiet/loud and long/short sounds.

We will be continuing our Autumn stories along with some Harvest stories

Home Learning

Can you find a picture, book or an object which is to do with Autumn or Harvest? 


Please don't forget it is Stay and play on Wednesday morning starting at 8.30, siblings very welcome to.
I would like to create an outside farm for the children to enjoy for Harvest week.  If you have a ride on tractor and happy for us to use it for the week please bring it in. They will be securely locked up over night in the classroom.

Thank you


Family Prize Bingo

Image result for bingo

Family Bingo Evening

We would like to invite you all to the family bingo evening on Friday 14th October at the Prince of Wales School Hall. Doors open at 5.30pm and eyes down for 6pm.
Its £2.00 book- 15 games.

It would be lovely to see you all there to support POWSA in raising money for the pre-school and school.