Hello Everyone,
We have had a great first week back and
all the children have really settled in well into year 2 of preschool. Last
week we painted pictures of ourselves which are now up in the classroom on
display. We met Jennie Jigsaw and she learnt all our names and we told her our
favourite toy and what we like to play with. We also read the story of shark in
the park which the children really enjoyed, so this week our them will be shark
in the park.
This week we will continue with our
Jigsaw topic of ‘who am I?’ and ‘what do I like?’ We will be talking about
different emotions and how are we feeling. Along with this we will be singing
If your happy and you know it and reading the story of Topsy and Tim new
At home Why not talk about what makes
you happy and sad.
From reading the story of shark in the
park we are going to make our own telescopes to retell the story using them
outside on a walk, making sharks to practice our scissor skills, and a
shark/duck water game with lots more planned.
Don’t forget if you have any WOW’S at
home please bring them into share with us at pre-school.
A letter has gone home about popping
along for a coffee and information session about Year 2 of preschool on
Wednesday 21st September. It would be
lovely to see you all there.
Julia and Pre-school Team
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