The beginning of the week we will be reflecting with the children about what they did in the holidays and new year celebrations. This helps children to recall events in the correct order. (CL)
Our next steps for the whole group this week will be LETTERS and SOUNDS, rhythm and rhyme, we have lots of songs and games to enjoy within this aspect (4). We will also be continuing on with listening activities. Our books this week will rhyme, we will be encouraging the children to join in the rhymes at the end of sentences. This is fun to do when reading stories at home.
our next steps for the whole group in MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT will be positional language and ordering by height and size. At home good questions to ask are 'whats behind?' or 'whats in front?' .
JIGSAW this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will be setting the children little challenges and helping them to stay motivated to finish their challenge.
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