The past week saw nearly all the children enjoying a trip to the library. Each child chose a book they thought the rest of the group would enjoy reading.
From many of the stories chosen we have planned activities for the coming week. For example, a number of pirate stories were chosen, so we have put the pirate ships with the wooden construction. We have put a water activity with 'How to wash a wooly mammoth', and a pet shop with 'Dogs go shopping'.
MATHEMATICS,our next steps. For the bear stories we have put the sorting bears in the number area, with lots of different containers, boxes and small trays so the children can group, sort, count and make patterns with the different size and coloured bears.
SOUNDS AND LETTERS. another book that was chosen was 'never shake a rattlesnake' which we will read as we continue to enjoy rhymes.
On Tuesday we will join Reception to take part in their topic about Chinese new year. We will be dividing into 2 groups and the children will spend either the morning or afternoon.
STAY AND PLAY. If you would like to stay and play with your child, read them a story, or even paint a picture! we are having a stay and play on Thursday 29th January and Wednesday 4th February.
Door opens at 8.30 am and the session finishes at approx 9.10am
7th February is National Library day. Do go along, and look out for many exciting activities for children of all ages. AG
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Our trip t0 the library
This past week the children really enjoyed the stickman and Stanley's stick stories. Many of them being able to recall the story in the correct order. The children have been making some lovely pictures from sticks, which we will continue with this coming week. The children have also been enjoying finding words with S in. We will be continuing this task this week, can you think of any at home, to add to our list?
The finger frenzy jobs have also been going well, thank you for all the positive feedback, telling us how much the children have been enjoying the challenges.
This week we are off to the library. We will be having a look around, and choosing books to bring back to share with the group. Which will give us some ideas for future themes and topics. We will also be looking for books in preparation for chinese new year, which will be a topic in the coming weeks.
Our next steps for the whole group will be communication and literacy, concentrating on the children's interest in books, story setting, illustrations and structure.
JIGSAW we continue with challenges and never giving up. The children will be bringing home a challenge this week. To ask an adult or brother or sister to write down some favourite books you enjoy at home and bring the list back to pre school. We will be sending home a decorated paper to write on. AG
The finger frenzy jobs have also been going well, thank you for all the positive feedback, telling us how much the children have been enjoying the challenges.
This week we are off to the library. We will be having a look around, and choosing books to bring back to share with the group. Which will give us some ideas for future themes and topics. We will also be looking for books in preparation for chinese new year, which will be a topic in the coming weeks.
Our next steps for the whole group will be communication and literacy, concentrating on the children's interest in books, story setting, illustrations and structure.
JIGSAW we continue with challenges and never giving up. The children will be bringing home a challenge this week. To ask an adult or brother or sister to write down some favourite books you enjoy at home and bring the list back to pre school. We will be sending home a decorated paper to write on. AG
Sunday, 11 January 2015
This past week we have enjoyed hearing all about the children's Christmas holidays, the lovely gifts they received and if Father Christmas visited them! (CL good recall)
Lots of the children enjoyed the finger gym (finger frenzy) challenges and they were all determined to complete the activities we set them, and in some cases challenges they set themselves.
Every day we had a story that rhymed, and the children chose the book they enjoyed the best. The book your child chose will be coming home for you to enjoy. Please pass on as soon as you have finished enjoying the book so the next family can share the book.
This week we will be reading the story 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson and Stanley's Stick' by John Higley.
There is so much exploring and learning we can do with these stories. There is lots of imaginary thinking and imaginary play in the stories as well as our first job which will be collecting lots of sticks.
Mathematics, ordering sticks into size, and counting.
Expressive art and design, making stickmen and stick pictures.
making a small world scene from the story and much more.
As a group our next steps this coming week will be MD continuing ordering by size.
PD, using one handed tools.
SOUNDS AND LETTERS, continuing rhymes and listening.
LITERACY, letters and recognising letters and their sounds.
JIGSAW, we will be providing children with problems to overcome, in construction and maths.
At home talk about trying hard and explain as grown ups how we have to try hard at what we do. Don't forget a brilliant book is 'the hare and the tortoise'.
Our WOW board is empty so don't forget to bring one in, about anything you like your child has done.
Also, If you find a stick on the way to school bring it in with you!
Lots of the children enjoyed the finger gym (finger frenzy) challenges and they were all determined to complete the activities we set them, and in some cases challenges they set themselves.
Every day we had a story that rhymed, and the children chose the book they enjoyed the best. The book your child chose will be coming home for you to enjoy. Please pass on as soon as you have finished enjoying the book so the next family can share the book.
This week we will be reading the story 'Stickman' by Julia Donaldson and Stanley's Stick' by John Higley.
There is so much exploring and learning we can do with these stories. There is lots of imaginary thinking and imaginary play in the stories as well as our first job which will be collecting lots of sticks.
Mathematics, ordering sticks into size, and counting.
Expressive art and design, making stickmen and stick pictures.
making a small world scene from the story and much more.
As a group our next steps this coming week will be MD continuing ordering by size.
PD, using one handed tools.
SOUNDS AND LETTERS, continuing rhymes and listening.
LITERACY, letters and recognising letters and their sounds.
JIGSAW, we will be providing children with problems to overcome, in construction and maths.
At home talk about trying hard and explain as grown ups how we have to try hard at what we do. Don't forget a brilliant book is 'the hare and the tortoise'.
Our WOW board is empty so don't forget to bring one in, about anything you like your child has done.
Also, If you find a stick on the way to school bring it in with you!
Sunday, 4 January 2015
Happy New Year!
Welcome back to the spring term. We have lots of fun and exciting exploring and learning planned for the coming term.
The beginning of the week we will be reflecting with the children about what they did in the holidays and new year celebrations. This helps children to recall events in the correct order. (CL)
Our next steps for the whole group this week will be LETTERS and SOUNDS, rhythm and rhyme, we have lots of songs and games to enjoy within this aspect (4). We will also be continuing on with listening activities. Our books this week will rhyme, we will be encouraging the children to join in the rhymes at the end of sentences. This is fun to do when reading stories at home.
our next steps for the whole group in MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT will be positional language and ordering by height and size. At home good questions to ask are 'whats behind?' or 'whats in front?' .
JIGSAW this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will be setting the children little challenges and helping them to stay motivated to finish their challenge.
The beginning of the week we will be reflecting with the children about what they did in the holidays and new year celebrations. This helps children to recall events in the correct order. (CL)
Our next steps for the whole group this week will be LETTERS and SOUNDS, rhythm and rhyme, we have lots of songs and games to enjoy within this aspect (4). We will also be continuing on with listening activities. Our books this week will rhyme, we will be encouraging the children to join in the rhymes at the end of sentences. This is fun to do when reading stories at home.
our next steps for the whole group in MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT will be positional language and ordering by height and size. At home good questions to ask are 'whats behind?' or 'whats in front?' .
JIGSAW this half term is Dreams and Goals. We will be setting the children little challenges and helping them to stay motivated to finish their challenge.
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