Our plan was to make some poppies on the 11th November, however the children enjoyed this activity, and continued on to do some lovely paintings, and made some poppy pictures using a computer programme. Do look at the display board in the classroom.
NEXT STEPS; this week our next steps will be continuing on our letters and sounds phase 1 with listening games to differentiate sounds, and play letter and sound bingo. Also we will be continuing on with numbers for counting, and starting our shape space and measure topic in mathematical development.
JIGSAW. We have been talking about how we are special as individuals, now we are going to talk about how in our families and our groups of friends we are all different, we don't look the same, we look different, why?
with the children we are going to look at some family stories and pictures and talk about what they can see, and what is different from their family. AG
Stephen is really enjoying learning his letter sounds. 'But Martin' by Jane Counsel is a lovely book about friendship and how we all are different.