Sunday, 8 December 2024

Hello everyone.....

  Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend with your families and friends. 

Last week we had a great week exploring hedgehogs, spiders and Christmas

This week we have enjoyed the story of Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. We have been very busy in the kitchen decorating our Christmas Cakes. We have been busy making some Christmas decorations to bring home to decorate our trees with. We have been to Poundbury garden centre to look at all the Christmas decorations and have a drink in the cafe. We had a wonderful time and learnt lots of new vocabularly. We had kickboxing on Tuesday and went on another monkey adevnture. On Wednesday a group of children went to the local care home for a Christmas story, sing song and cake. On Friday afternoon we had Razz and we did some dancing and drama and used the bells. Also another group of children went to St Georges Church to decorate our tree for the Christmas Tree festival. We have had such a lovely week and have done lots of exploring and learning through a variety of adventures.

This week we met Reggie the Resilient Tortoise which is one of our Building learning Powers. Please do tell us on a WOW or send a video in of your child being a Reggie at home. Here is some information about Reggie the Resilient Tortoise:-

Here are some pictures from this week...
Please see School facebook page for garden centre pictures along with St George Chirch trip photos.

This week we will be swimming, continuing with our Christmas makes, visiting the care home for a Christmas party  and lots more.

Home learning:

Can you learn 10 new words to do with Christmas?
Can you recognise some words which rhyme from a Julia Donaldson story?
Can you solve simple maths problems e.g. there is 4 people for tea, how many spoons do we need. I have 2 forks but I need 1 more, how many would I have?


It was lovely to see you all at the parent information session. Here is a link to the recording. When you have watched the video please let Julia Know. If you have any questions please do come and ask or email.
 If you could provide us with a clearly marked water bottle that we can keep at preschool all year. This way we can ensure the children have access to fresh drinking water throughout the days with us. We find the children drink more from their own bottles. Can all drinks bottles be able to be placed in the dishwasher.

Every week there will be a blog about everything we have done during the week, what is happening at pre-school in the next week, home learning you may like to do and notices. This is normally published on a Sunday evening.

We place all lunch boxes in the fridge, please label lunch boxes and drinks bottles with your child's name. If you would like to order your child a hot lunch, please speak to a member of staff and Caroline will arrange a hot lunch code for you. 

It would great if all pre-school t-shirts and jumpers can be named.

This week we have our swimming sessions. Please see previous letter sent in September regarding your child's day to swim.

On Tuesday we have our Pre-school breakfast from 8.30am-9.15am in the Main school Hall. please come to main school front entrance. Father Christmas will be coming to say hi to everyine from 8.45am. If you have not return your RSVP please do so on Monday. Look forward to seeing you all there.

On Friday 13th December we have Play and learn from 9.00-9.20am. We look forward to seeing you there. 

It was great to see everyone at parents evening before Half term. If you were unable to make an appointment please do come and speak to Julia to arrange a convenient time to catch up

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2025

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.

Powsa Events:-

Don't forget to book.....

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to an exciting and amazing week full of fun and adventures. 

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Hello everyone......

 Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a lovely weekend with your families and friends. 

Last week we had a great week exploring hedgehogs, spiders and Christmas

On Monday a group of children had PE. We used the climbing equipment and praticed jumping off and landing on two feet, climbing and balancing. We also started making the dcorations for the Christmas Tree festival at St Georges Church. The Christmas Tree festival at the church is this weekend if you would like to go and visit. We have used a variety of media to decorate the decorations. In the afternoon we have been doing some printing on our Christmas bags. We also made a large spiders web to climb through ooutside.

On Tuesday we had our kickboxing session and we went on an adventure as a monkey to find some bananas. We learnt how to do a stance, ducking from the birds, pushing the birds away and balancing. In the afternoon we did some cosmic kids yoga and a group of children made cakes for the care home. 

On Wednesday morning a group of children had PE with Colleen and Lauren. We played some games in the hall which invovled in moving in a variety of ways and negotiatiing space. Another group went to the care home for a sing song and yummy cake. The children are becoming more confident with talking to the residents. A group of children made their Christmas cakes. They were great at measuring out the ingredients and taking turns to cook. In the afternoon we went to soft play and made clay hedgehogs. 

On Thursday morning another group of children made their Christmas cakes and we continued with decorating our St Georges Tree decs. In the afternoon we made our Christmas Cards for our families. 

On Friday another group of children made their Christmas cakes. Also some children made their Christmas Cards. In the afternoon we had Razz and we had a great time dancing and doing some drama and jumping through the hoops.

Throughout the week we have been busy constructing with Popoids, zoo waffle and magnetic shapes with teddy bears. Our finger frenzy this week has been using a pincer grip to thread hoops onto wooden screwers.  On the small world table we have enjoyed the small world spider football. In our role play are we have been playing with the woodland and campfire scene along with the tent. We have been making spiders and bugs in the playdough. In the sand tray we have been finding the treasure using metal dectectors. In the number area we have been putting the correct number of pegs on the hedgehog to match the numeral. We have enjoyed mark making on the aqua board. 

This week we met Reggie the Resilient Tortoise which is one of our Building learning Powers. Please do tell us on a WOW or send a video in of your child being a Reggie at home. Here is some information about Reggie the Resilient Tortoise:-

Here are some pictures from this week...

For the next three weeks we are going to be exploring Christmas. In particular this week we are going to be going to the  garden centre to see the lights and Christmas Decs, decorating our cakes, ,Making some christmas decorations and lots more.

Home learning:

Can you learn 10 new words to do with Christmas?
Can you recognise some words which rhyme from a Julia Donaldson story?
Can you solve simple maths problems e.g. there is 4 people for tea, how many spoons do we need. I have 2 forks but I need 1 more, how many would I have?


It was lovely to see you all at the parent information session. Here is a link to the recording. When you have watched the video please let Julia Know. If you have any questions please do come and ask or email.
 If you could provide us with a clearly marked water bottle that we can keep at preschool all year. This way we can ensure the children have access to fresh drinking water throughout the days with us. We find the children drink more from their own bottles. Can all drinks bottles be able to be placed in the dishwasher.

Every week there will be a blog about everything we have done during the week, what is happening at pre-school in the next week, home learning you may like to do and notices. This is normally published on a Sunday evening.

We place all lunch boxes in the fridge, please label lunch boxes and drinks bottles with your child's name. If you would like to order your child a hot lunch, please speak to a member of staff and Caroline will arrange a hot lunch code for you. 

It would great if all pre-school t-shirts and jumpers can be named.

On Wednesday 4th December we have Stay and Play from 8.30-9.00am. We look forward to seeing you there. Younger and older siblings welcome.

It was great to see everyone at parents evening before Half term. If you were unable to make an appointment please do come and speak to Julia to arrange a convenient time to catch up

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2025

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2024.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025.

Powsa Events:-

This Sunday, hope to see you there.....

Don't forget to book.....

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to an exciting and amazing week full of fun and adventures. 

Julia, Colleen, Sharon and Lauren