Hello everyone,
We hope you have all had a fabulous weekend enjoying the beautiful sunshine we have had over the weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing Mums out there!
Last week we have enjoyed sharing lots of stories about Mothers Day and we all loved the book that Arthur bought in called I love my mummy. At group time we talked about all the special things our mum's do for us. The children really enjoyed creating their special gift they made. They were great at moulding the clay and using a variety of tools to create their finished piece. We also used our handprints and fingerprints to create a special card and we were amazing at having a go at writing our names.
On Tuesday in PE we played lots of games outside with Mr Treble. We played stuck in the mud and find a colour.
The weather was amazing last week and we loved spending lots of time outside. It is lovely to see how confident the children are riding balance bikes, scooters and bikes. They have enjoyed having races around the playground track. We have been exploring and experimenting at the water tray. We made a waterfall with crates.
We have loved making a variety of monsters and creatures using the duplo. We have been making enclosures and cubes using the zoo waffle construction.
We have used our senses with the gelli baff which had the frogs, logs and Lilly pads in. It had a very unusual texture.
We have been busy mark making on the magnetic boards with special pens. We were fascinated at how they worked and that you can erase your pictures just by rubbing. Also we have been busy creating daffodil pictures using a variety of materials including tissue paper, crayons, felt tips. We were inspired by the daffodils on the drawing table.
On the finger frenzy table we have had Tap a Shape out which is using shapes, pins and hammer to create pictures.
We have been observing our tadpoles and watching out for any changes. Also watching the countdown on the incubator till the chicks hatch.
In Read Write Inc we have been busy playing lots of Fred Frog talk games and saying the picture names. The children are great at recognising all the pictures.
Here are some pictures of our week.....
For the next two weeks we are going to continue to watch the changes with the tadpoles, look after the eggs. Also continue with finding out more about Space. We will be sharing lots of stories and songs about Spring and space.
Animal noises
Fred names an animal and the children make the noise of that animal.
'Fred wants you to make the noise of a h-or-se’. 'Fred says make the noise of a sh-ee-p.' 'Fred says make the noise of a d-o-g.
- Can you retell your favourite book to a grown up?
-Can you create something which reminds you of spring?
- Can you find as many different shapes in your house, garden or on a walk?
NEST's toilet training workshop
Can you this weblink https://whatimreading.org/ to make a poster of your families favourite book this week? We are going to display them in the window for everyone to see. If you need your poster printing please email it to me.
Our next stay and play sesssion will be Thursday 31st March. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
This week we will continue to send home our play library. If you have one at home please bring it back when you are next in. Please see link for video for information about this. https://www.facebook.com/POWFS/videos/1039096813302955
POWSA Events coming up and notices
On Wednesday there is a POWSA meeting at 7.30pm in the main school hall. Everyone welcome to come along. If you would like any information, please do come and ask.