Sunday, 12 December 2021

A magical last week of term...

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a fun filled weekend. It was lovely to see so many of our families at the preschool breakfast on Wednesday.  WOW, I can't believe it is already the last week of the Autumn term. 

Last week during group time we shared the nativity story and a variety of Christmas stories. We have also been very busy practicing our Christmas songs including jingle bells, it was on a starry night and away in a manager. Throughout the week we have been busy decorating our Christmas cooking surprise and some children have cooked their surprise this week. We have been writing our name on our gift tags. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we went to the garden center and looked at all the amazing Christmas displays and decorations. We talked about all the different shapes, colours, nativity scene and Christmas decorations we could see. We all loved watching the penguins sing and the train going around the track. We all enjoyed visiting the cafe for a drink and biscuit. 
On Monday we all had a chance to go to soft play which we all loved. On Tuesday we played the lava game, freeze game and due duck goose game. On Thursday afternoon we used the NOW PRESS PLAY headphone set and did some drama around the nativity story. On Friday afternoon we made some tree decorations to bring home next week. Throughout the week have been busy balancing the bauble on the golf tee. We were all resilient tortoises with this activity. In The number area we have been decorating the Christmas trees with the correct number of decorations to match the numeral. We have acted out the nativity story with our friends using the small world nativity scene. We have enjoyed the Christmas sensory tray full of baubles, tinsel, cinnamon sticks and lots of Christmas decorations. We have been mark making in the Christmas coloured rice and on the Playdough table cutting out different sized Christmas trees and stars. 
Here are some photos of our week........

This week we will be doing lots of great christmassy things. In particular we will be continuing with our Christmas decorations and cooking surprises to bring home at the end of the week. We will be having a go on the ride along Christmas Polar express training lots more exciting activities including the Christmas Party.  


This week we will continue to send home our play library. If you had one last week please bring it back when you are next in. Please see link for video for information about this.

On Tuesday 14th December it is the carol service at St Marys Church. If your child is taking part please arrive at the church between 4.30-4.45pm. Children need to come in costume. The service starts prompt at 5.00pm. Any questions, please come and see Julia.

On Wednesday 15th December is our Christmas Lunch. If your child is staying for lunch and then going home. Please pick up at 1.00pm.

On Friday 17th December we have got our Christmas party from 9-12.30pm. Children to bring their lunch boxed wrapped as a present.  Children may come in Christmas party wear. We are going over to school for 9.05, pre-school door will open at 9.50 to enable us to get to school for 9.05. See letter for details. 

We break up for the holidays on Friday 17th December and return back to pre-school on Tuesday 4th January. 

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022
You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to  a magical week. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas. 

Julia, Sharon, Colleen, Karen, Lauren, Zoe, Chloe and Helen

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Hello everyone.....

Hello everyone.....

We hope you have all had a great weekend and enjoying all the preparations for Christmas.

Last week we enjoyed listening to the story of Stickman and we were amazing at finishing of the rhyming ends to the sentences. We found out the book was written by Julia Donaldson. We have also been learning lots of Christmas songs including Jingle bells, when santa got stuck up the chimney, away in a manager and it was on a starry night. 

On Monday we got to explore the surprise of the Christmas room which we are all really enjoying playing in. We also went over to school to see the Christmas display in the school hallway. In the afternoon we had Rugbytots which was great fun and we all really enjoyed it. 
Throughout the week we  went swimming and we have become confident in the water. We tried blowing bubbles in the water. 
On Wednesday a group of children went on a worm hunt with George. We found 3 worms. 
On Thursday morning we went to the pantomime in the school hall of Goldilocks and the three bears. We all really enjoyed watching the show.
On Friday it was Elf day and lots of us came all dressed up as elves and we all enjoyed hot chocolate and elf pancakes for snack in the Christmas room. A small group of children went to St George's Church to decorate the pre-school Christmas tree with all our heroes. 
Throughout the week we have been very busy making and cooking Christmas cakes along with lots of other Christmas surprises to bring home soon. 
We have really enjoyed exploring and playing in the Christmas room with our friends throughout the week. We have been role playing in the home corner, on the polar express, dressing up with different glasses and hats and lots more.
We have been using the numicon to wrap up in Christmas paper using scissors and cellotape. We have been using the Christmas cutters in the playdough and decorating the Christmas tree with buttons and gems to develop our fine motor skills. We have been constructing with the transparent shapes and duplo. 

Here are some photos of our week........

This week we will be doing lots of great christmassy things. In particular this week we are going to visit the garden centre to look at the Christmas display and have a drink in the cafe, decorating our Christmas treat and continuing with our Christmas surprises to bring home at the end of term.

Home learning

Can you make a Christmas decoration for a friends tree?
-Can you go a number hunt? What numbers can you find? 
-Can you think of some rhyming words?


On Wednesday we have got our family Christmas breakfast which will be from 8.30-9.15am. This event will be outside so please wrap up warm. We have go Father Christmas coming to join us breakfast. If you have not returned your slip yet for this, please do so by Tuesday. 

Tickets are still available for the Christmas Table Wreath Workshop on Wednesday 8th December 2021.
Tickets are £20 each and includes your completed decoration, a mince and an alcoholic/non alcoholic drink 🎅🏼🤶🏼🎄

Please return funding forms to pre-school ASAP. 

On Friday it is stay and play from 8.30am till 9.00am. 

The Local Food Links Christmas lunch is on Wednesday 15th December. If you would like to order, please do so by midnight on Wednesday 8th December (at least 7 days in advance) - . This is the busiest day of our year and we will not be able to make any exceptions for late orders! Please ask Caroline for a unique code if you do not usually have hot dinners.

At the weekend it is the St George's Christmas Tree festival. The opening of this is on Friday evening at 6pm with Carols on the green. The church is open throughout the weekend for people to go and visit the Christmas Tree festival. We have a tree on display there with all our heros on. 

The POWSA Christmas Fayre will be on Friday 10th December at 3.30pm. There will be lots to do with all of your favourite games and stalls, refreshments, free Christmas crafts and signing under the Christmas tree. Preschool children will be singing jingle bells at 4.00pm around the Christmas tree outside the main entrance at school.

This week we will continue to send home our play library. If you had one last week please bring it back when you are next in. Please see link for video for information about this.

REMINDER Raffle tickets for the Casterbridge Christmas Raffle need to be returned to the school office (along with the money) by Friday 10th December.
Tickets cost £1 each and you could be the lucky winner of one of the cash prizes (£500, £250, £100 and £50).
The raffle will be drawn by the Rotary club on Friday 17th December.

On Wednesday 6th December at 6.00pm Damers First school are holding a zoom meeting for a virtual tour of the school. If you would like to access this, please ring Damers school.

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.


You can order your child's Christmas cards they have made at

This has been kindly organised by POWSA as a fundraising event. 

Please find information below about a useful advice line for parents and carers of 0-5years.

ParentLine is a new confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of 0-5 year olds in Dorset to seek advice via text message from our Health Visiting team about their child’s health. 

Parents and carers can seek advice about a range of issues such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, sleep, toileting, minor illness, behaviour, parenting and more.

ParentLine will run 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and bank holidays) with a ParentLine Practitioner responding to messages within one working day. If a text is sent outside these hours the parent/carer will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. This new messaging service is being provided in addition to the current Health Visiting service offer.
Text 07312 277162 for confidential advice and support from a member of the Health Visiting team
ParentLine is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention contact your GP, 111 or 999.

Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to  a great week. 

Julia, Sharon, Colleen, Karen, Lauren, Zoe, Chloe and Helen


Sunday, 28 November 2021

Hello everyone....


Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a wonderful weekend even if it has been a little chilly. 

Last week we enjoyed exploring India and learning the difference between an Indian elephant and African elephant. 
On Monday we got the globe out and talked about where we lived and where Indian and Africa were. We also talked about the antarctica and where Santa lives. We talked about the different colours on the globe.We looked at our countries flag and the Indian flag and then we made our own flags of these countries.On Tuesday we learnt about elephants and the differences between an Indian and African elephant. We then made an Indian and African elephant as a group. On Wednesday we watched some Indian dancing and then had a go ourselves dancing to Indian music with fabric. On Thursday we looked at the Taj Mahal and then had a go at making our own using a variety of construction. On Friday morning we had a treat delivered of Onion Bhaji's. We tried them and they were delicious. Also during the week we tried nan bread and papadums.

Throughout the week we have enjoyed mark making in Indian spices and using our senses to smell them. We have really enjoyed using the spoons to pick up the marbles and spoon them into the bottles. We have enjoyed playing with others at the puppet theatre and making up our own shows. We have been busy playing with the wild animals in the sand. Also we have been constructing with the magnetic shapes and making homes for the teddies. In the role play area we have been trying on the Indian Saree's and bracelets. 

Some photos of our week.....

This week we are going to be sharing the story of Stickman by Julia Donaldson. We have got a great surprise for you all, when you come to preschool. For next couple of week we will be doing lots of great christmassy things. In particular this week we are going to be making a Christmas treat in the kitchen. We are going to be going swimming. On Thursday we are going to go and watch a pantomime of Goldilocks and the three bears at school. It's going to be a great week. 

Home learning

-Can you put your own t-shirt and trousers on?
-Can you go a number hunt? What numbers can you find? 
-Can you think of some rhyming words?


This week is our swimming week. Children will need to bring them swimming kit on their select day.

Please return funding forms to pre-school ASAP. 

On Thursday it is stay and play from 8.30am till 9.00am. 

On Wednesday evening POWSA have their meeting in the school hall at 7.30pm. Everyone is very welcome and it is great opportunity to meet other parents and help fundraise for the pre-school and school. 

On Friday it is Elf dressing up day. Children are all very welcome to come in dressed as an elf for the day. 

At the weekend it is the St George's Christmas Tree festival. The opening of this is on Friday evening at 6pm with Carols on the green. The church is open throughout the weekend for people to go and visit the Christmas Tree festival. We have a tree on display there with all our heros on. 

The POWSA Christmas Fayre will be on Friday 10th December at 3.30pm. There will be lots to do with all of your favourite games and stalls, refreshments, free Christmas crafts and signing under the Christmas tree.
POWSA are looking for donations of tombola prizes (chocolates, bottled items, teddies) which can be given in on Friday 3rd December.

This week we will continue to send home our play library. If you had one last week please bring it back when you are next in. Please see link for video for information about this.

Applying for Reception Place to start in September 2022

You can apply for a reception place from 1 September 2021.

The closing date for applications is 15 January 2022.

The Local Food Links Christmas lunch is on Wednesday 15th December. If you would like to order, please do so by midnight on Wednesday 8th December (at least 7 days in advance) - . This is the busiest day of our year and we will not be able to make any exceptions for late orders! Please ask Caroline for a unique code if you do not usually have hot dinners.

You can order your child's Christmas cards they have made at

This has been kindly organised by POWSA as a fundraising event. 

Please find information below about a useful advice line for parents and carers of 0-5years.

ParentLine is a new confidential text messaging service for parents and carers of 0-5 year olds in Dorset to seek advice via text message from our Health Visiting team about their child’s health. 

Parents and carers can seek advice about a range of issues such as breastfeeding, bottle feeding, weaning, sleep, toileting, minor illness, behaviour, parenting and more.

ParentLine will run 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding weekends and bank holidays) with a ParentLine Practitioner responding to messages within one working day. If a text is sent outside these hours the parent/carer will receive an automated message with advice on where to get help if they require it urgently. This new messaging service is being provided in addition to the current Health Visiting service offer.
Text 07312 277162 for confidential advice and support from a member of the Health Visiting team
ParentLine is not an emergency service, for urgent medical attention contact your GP, 111 or 999.

Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have and if you need some WOW slips, please pick some up from the notice board outside.

Please do come and see myself or a member of team if you have any questions.

Here's to  a great week. 

Julia, Sharon, Colleen, Karen, Lauren, Zoe, Chloe and Helen