Hello everyone,
Wow, what a weekend of rain. We hope you got outside to enjoy splashing in the puddles.
Last week we had a great week learning about harvest, farming and Autumn. On Monday morning we went over to school to look a the big tractor. We used some fabulous language to describe the tractor. On Monday afternoon we went out and found the sycamore seeds and made them fly like helicopters. The children loved this. On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning we visited the school orchard to harvest apples and pears. We used the apples in making some apple and raisin muffins to bring home. We did some great cutting of the apples with a knife and some great mixing with one handed tools. The ingredients we used were flour, butter, oil, eggs, apples and raisins. For children who have an egg allergy we have used an egg substitute. On Tuesday morning we had PE with Mr Treble and we played some parachute games. On Tuesday afternoon we did some bubble painting using autumn colours. On Thursday afternoon we made our own apple juice using the apple press. We washed all the apples and then cut the apples into small pieces. We then put them in the press and turned the handle till the juice came out. On Friday morning we had a visitor of Cooper the tortoise who belongs to Phoebe. We learnt all about tortoises and what they feel like. On Friday afternoon we did some conker rolling with a large tray and paints. We worked as a team to move the tray up and down so the conkers rolled. We watched how the colours mixed. In the afternoons we have also been doing some threadings with apple and pears shapes to develop our pincer grip. On Wednesday and Friday afternoon we did an obstacle course in the hall to develop different ways of moving, balancing and jumping.

We have been busy singing old McDonald farm ready for our harvest song. The children have started to bring school library books home which they have chosen, we will continue this week to enable all children to bring a school library book home. We have particular enjoyed playing with the corn and wheat in the messy area, the play dough with autumn objects, painting, Mark making in oats, small world farm and construction.
In jigsaw time this week we have met Reggie the tortoise who is a resilient tortoise. Reggie came and talked about to be resilient, to keep trying, have a go etc. We have also met Jennie jigsaw this week.
We have enjoyed sharing lots of harvest, farming and autumn stories this week.
This week we are continuing with Farming, harvest and autumn. We will be doing lots more exploring and learning through a variety of activities. We will be learning some new autumn songs and sharing some more stories.
Home Learning
The children are really enjoying their name cards for snack. There is plenty of time to do one with your child if you would like to.
It was lovely to see the children's home learning of Autumn and Harvest and we shared these at group time. The children are very welcome to bring these in to celebrate at group time.
This weeks challenge is to:- Can you collect an item or picture which reminds you of Autumn and bring it in to share at group time.
Please bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. If you would like some WOW slips, these can be found on the outside notice board in a wallet.
Primary school applications:- You can now apply for your child's place for Primary schools. The closing date for application is the 15th January 2021. Here is the link:- https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/education-and-training/schools-and-learning/apply-for-a-school-place/starting-school-for-the-first-time.aspx
The Prince of Wales School has a virtual open morning for September 2021 applicants on Wednesday 14th October @ 9.30am.
On Wednesday it is the POWSA AGM @7.30pm in the school hall. All welcome - please email powsa@hotmail.co.uk if you are planning to attend so that we can monitor numbers for social distancing.
Here to another amazing week full of adventures
Julia, Sharon, Colleen, Helen and Karen