Sunday, 26 April 2020

Hello everyone

Hi everyone,

We hope you all have had a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine. It has been lovely to catch up with lots of you over the week on the phone and whilst dropping of the chalks. We hope you have enjoyed creating lots of pictures with your chalks. 
Its great seeing all the amazing home learning you are all doing at home and look forward to seeing you adventures this week. 

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. There are great guest on the virtual assemblies. 

On Friday 1st May at 5.00pm is a virtual disco. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube. 

We have thought of some ideas you might like to do during the week. Please don't feel you need to undertake these as they are intended just to give you ideas.

Physical Challenge:-
There is Mr Treble Pe session you might like to take part in. This week is s
ome fun games, starting off with the ABCS with a fun colour touch game! How about a little bit of garden yoga? 

Fine motor skills:-

Can you make one of the recipes from your resource pack or your favourite recipe from home? Which kitchen utensils will you need to use? How do we keep safe in the kitchen? Can't wit to see some pictures of your yummy food. This week I made wild garlic pesto and homemade pasta. It was very yummy. 

Maths Challenge:-

The Banana Challenge- Each person in the family has a banana. The challenge is to see who can cut the banana into the most pieces! Can you count how many pieces? Who has the more or less pieces? How many altogether? Ready Steady Go!

Experessive Art and design:- 

Can you make your own People who help us costume. Borrow an adult's hat to be a helmet or a shirt to be a doctors coats. Pretend you are the person who is helping. What would you do? What would you say?

Put on your favourite music and have a dance.

 Read Write Inc  are releasing Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor, teacher and trainer and a wonderful storyteller.
Three stories will be published each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to our YouTube channel.
Join in with a daily Read write inc session Speed sounds Set 1 at 9.30am @

Understanding of the  world:-

Rainbow Melting Ice Experiment: Can you predict what might happen?

Instructions of melting ice experiment

First! You will need to freeze 2 big blocks of ice. I used a simple plastic lunch box that was in a rectangle shape filled with water and left overnight. Next you will need some food coloring. I used normal liquid colour as well as a purple gel coloring because no matter how much I try I can never get my mixes to turn purple!
The rest I was able to mix from the base colors as instructed on the food colouring box which I found in the cake aisle in the local grocery store. You will also need coarse salt.
Take out seven small bowls add half a tablespoon of salt to each and a few drops of coloring then mix. Don’t be shy to use your fingers. Once you have all the colours sprinkle a rainbow on your block of ice.
We watched for a few minutes as the salt ate away at the ice to produce craters everywhere it touched and the colour from the salt went into these craters to look beautiful.
Next Week.....
VE Day - Local - Thursday 7th May 2020 -
With the national commemorations taking place on Friday 8th May 2020, we plan to hold our own local virtual #InspiredToLearn commemoration on Thursday 7th May 2020.  
Our commemoration will take the format of an #InspiredToLearn Music Concert that will run from 2pm through to 5pm, hopefully providing the perfect backdrop to another picnic in your garden. We figured that two picnics in two days can be no bad thing!?
If you or your son/daughter would like to play at this virtual concert, please email me and we will work out agreed songs and timings in advance. 
At 4:00pm, we will join together with a POW-wide rendition of Dame Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again’, perfect practice before the national effort on the following day.

75th Anniversary - VE Day - 
Friday 8th May 2020 marks 75 years since the guns fell silent at the end of the war in Europe. The 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe was to have been marked with a series of local and national events, including our very own #InspiredToLearn VE Street Party. 
However, with these plans now cancelled the idea of a 'Stay at Home Street Party' is encouraging people to decorate their houses in red, white and blue and have a picnic in their front garden to celebrate. 

We hope you all have a great week having fun and exploring new things. We look forward to hearing all about the great things you are up to. Please fee free to email them to We miss you all. Keep smiling and keep safe. You are all amazing.
Julia and Pre-school team

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Hi everyone

Hi everyone,

We hope you have all been enjoying the lovely sunny weather this weekend. 

It has been lovely to hear about all the wonderful things you have been up to and seeing lots of amazing home learning. We love to hear all about your adventures, so please feel free to email them to us.

We hope you liked the resources pack that was delivered on Wednesday. Please feel free to dip in and out of these ideas as they are just suggestions. If there are any other resources you would like, please give me an email.

On Wednesday 22nd April is Celebrate Earth Day. To celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 we would like you to share a picture of either...

Something you have done in isolation that you think is saving the world e.g. planting seeds, recycling, reusing some recycling in craft activities.
Make, paint or draw a picture of something you love about the world. It could be your favourite place you would like to visit when we can, your favourite animal, something you have seen in your garden or your daily exercise walk if you are able to do them.

If you would like to share a picture that we can use in a collage to celebrate Earth Day please send these to

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile. 

On Thursday 23rd April 2020 - 4:30PM - #InspiredToLearn Virtual Quiz Night. This can be accessed on the school Facebook page. All you need is a pen and paper.

We have thought of some ideas you might like to do during the week. Please don't feel you need to undertake these as they are intended just to give you ideas.

This week the weather is going to be hot and it would be a great opportunity to talk about how to keep safe in the sun. In the resources pack is a poster about sun safety. Can you make a poster to show your school friends how to stay safe in the sun or can you send us a photo of you playing in the sun safely?

Physical Challenge:-
There is Mr Treble Pe session you might like to take part in. He is creating our very own mini home olympics. The first session is short distance sprints.

Fine motor skills:-

Using a can for the kitchen cupboard, how many elastic bands can you stretch over the can? 

Maths Challenge:-

Can you help set the table for dinner. How many forks will you need? How many plates will you need? How many altogether? If teddy came to dinner how many would you need then?

Experessive Art and design:- 

Create your own emergency vehicle. Think about its features- sirens, hosepipes and ladders, bright colours. You could make your vehicles out of old boxes, bottle top lids and cardboard tubes. Is it one you can sit in or a model? What tools will you need and how could you join the materials together? 

 Read Write Inc  are releasing Storytime with Nick; films of well-loved stories read by Nick Cannon, a trained actor, teacher and trainer and a wonderful storyteller.
Three stories will be published each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to our YouTube channel.
Join in with a daily Read write inc session Speed sounds Set 1 at 9.30am @

Understanding of the  world:-

Skittle experiment

Using a packet of skittles can you arrange the skittles on a plate in a pattern or a rainbow? Following this pour water onto the plate of skittles and see what happens. Maybe before you pour on the water, make
prediction of what might happen.

We hope you all have a great week and enjoy the lovely sunny weather. We look forward to hearing all about the great things you are up to. Please fee free to email them to 

We miss you all. Keep smiling and keep safe. You are all doing an amazing job.

Please get in touch with any questions, comments or suggestions.

Julia and Pre-school team

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend and enjoys lots of yummy chocolate eggs and bunnies.  It has been lovely to have such beautiful weather to enjoy in our gardens or during our daily exercise.

It has been lovely to hear about all the wonderful things you have been up to and seeing lots of amazing home learning. We love to hear all about your adventures, so please feel free to email them to us.

On Wednesday you will receive a resource pack with lots of activity ideas we have put together. Please feel free to dip in and out of these ideas as they are just suggestions. We were hoping to do the topic this term of People who help us and Keeping healthy. In the packs is some ideas of activities around this topic along with some construction challenge cards, outdoor play and Read write inc poster. If there are any further resources you would like please just drop me an email.

A couple of challenges you might like to do this week....

Can you make a butterfly to put up in your window?
Using objects in your house or garden, can you make a picture with them?
Can you make up a joke? (we would love to hear your jokes)

We thought the children might like to know what our adventures have been.

Zoe has been doing some decorating, walking her dog,doing some gardening. "I have also enjoyed playing board games with my family."

Chloe has been very active and set up a makeshift volleyball net in her garden and the highest score so far is 23. Chloe has also enjoyed taking her daily exercise in her local forest area.

Colleen has been planting lots of vegetables in her garden. "We made our own burgers at the weekend and cooked them on the bbq. We have been having lots of fun in the garden, enjoying the the lovely warm weather and even had a water balloon fight. I got very wet!! " 

Helen has been taking her dogs for daily walks and has been camping in her garden. "I have been playing on the trampoline and decorating my house."

Karen has been dancing and singing to music. "I have been enjoying reading some books and playing some board games with my family. I have also been jogging around my house."

Caroline has been doing lots of yummy baking and has started knitting poppies ready for Remembrance in November. "I have done lots of tidying and enjoying the sunshine in my garden. I had great fun making a birthday bouquet from wild foliage from one of my walks."

Sharon has been doing lots of gardening and some walks to Maiden Castle. "I have been waving to Ruby when I have been in my garden." 

Julia has been camping in her garden all weekend with her family. They enjoyed joining in with Stay at home Camp Bestival. She has also been taking her dogs out for daily walks and enjoying the sunshine. 

Keep sending in the wonderful things you have been up to and enjoy the sunshine. We miss you all. Keep smiling and keep safe

Please feel free to email us anytime.

Julia and Preschool Team

Celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday 22nd April

To celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday 22nd April 2020 we would like you to share a picture of either...

Something you have done in isolation that you think is saving the world eg. planting seeds, recycling, reusing some recycling in craft activities. 


Make, paint or draw a picture of something you love about the world. It could be your favourite place you would like to visit when we can, your favourite animal, something you have seen in your garden or on your daily exercise walk if you are able to do them.

If you would like to share a picture that we can then use in a collage to celebrate Earth Day please send these to


Sunday, 5 April 2020

Hello everyone

Hello everyone,

We hope you have all had a sunny weekend. 

We hope you enjoyed watching the chicks hatch last week. We will be putting the chicks online throughout the week so you can watch them grow. Friday was great with the virtual disco and we hope you all had a good dance at home. In our house we really enjoyed India day and had great fun making a curry which was very yummy.

It's been amazing to see all the fantastic home learning the children are doing. It's lovely to receive  their emails. Keep sending all the wonderful things you are up to by emailing them to 

Everyday Mr Spracklen has Good morning POW at 9.30, 11.20 virtual assembly and 4.00pm Evening POW. This can be accessed on Facebook and you tube and is a great way of seeing what everyone is up to. It's really interactive and guarantee to make you smile. 

We have thought of some ideas you might like to do during the week. Please don't feel you need to undertake these as they are intended just to give you ideas.

Can you make some Easter nests for some chick eggs. Maybe you would like to use natural objects from your garden or maybe some yummy chocolate rice crispy nest?

Can you explore a variety of objects that can float and sink. Maybe you could make your own boat which floats. Why do things float? why do things sink?

Can you make your vegetable scraps regrow?

Can you move around the garden in variety of animal ways e.g. cat, giraffe, bunny, bird etc

Can you do a letter sound hunt around the house or garden? Can you say the sound?

On the book trust website ( There are some lovely interactive stories that we think you will all enjoy. 

On the Longleat Facebook page you can go on the virtual longleat safari. Charlotte and Grace really enjoyed this as you get to see all the animals.

Can you do a maths scavenger hunt? 

Over the week I have found some great resources to help children understand what is going on at the moment. Here is some of the resources I have found.

-The Prince of Wales school Facebook page has some resources to support our families

-The playmobil video is great for explaining what is happening and why (

-Please check out the Kingfisher Ward Dorset County Hospital Facebook page for a video which helps children to understand a bit more about it.

Over the week Zoe will be phoning all of our families to see how you all are and if there's anything we can do to help. Also please feel free to give us an email if you have any questions or need anything.

Missing you all and hope you have a happy week playing and learning together in the sunshine. We can't wait to see your photo’s of your adventure’s. Happy Easter to you all.


Julia and Pre-school team