Hello everyone,
Wow, what an amazing week we have had with some lovely fresh Autumn weather.
Last week we had a great week exploring the story of Pumpkin soup and lot's of activities about pumpkins and towards the end of the week we began exploring the theme of bonfire night. Throughout the week we have been completing our Christmas cards. We have really enjoyed using the hammer to bang golf tee's into the pumpkins. We have also really enjoyed exploring the pumpkins with spoons, tweezers and magnifying glasses. On the play dough table we have been making cakes with spiders and worms inside them. We have also been busy sticking in our photos and gold stars into our magical achievement books, which we will be bringing home towards the end of the week to share with our families.
On Tuesday morning the photography came to take our photos. We were great at smiling. Mr Treble also came to do PE with us and we played lots of games to develop our spatial awareness. In the afternoon we made a banjo which is a musical instrument. This came from the story of pumpkin soup.
On Wednesday morning we had some great fun with a science experiment involving pumpkins, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar, food colouring and glitter. We watch an explosion of colour come out of the pumpkin. In the afternoon we went on a scavenger hunt around the school grounds looking for certain natural objects like flowers, leaves etc. We also had great fun singing and acting out the old grand duke of your on the school field hill. We also had great fun throwing leaves up in to the air.
On Thursday morning we had a bonfire snack at the forest school area. We all had a go at toasting a marshmallow over the fire. We also sang some bonfire songs. At group time we enjoyed listening to some firework poems. In the afternoon we did some fireworks art using tights with rice in and fly splatters in lots of different colours onto black paper. We also got to meet Chloe's new puppy.
On Friday we we planted the spring bulbs in our new border. As we were planting the bulbs we talked about what they needed to grow and about the bulbs roots and how to plant them the right way up. Some of us made breadstick sparkles which involved a science experiment of melting chocolate. They looked very yummy. In the afternoon we made pumpkin soup which we all tried for snack time. We used the knives to chop up the pumpkins and onions.
This week we will continue our theme of fireworks and colour. On Tuesday we have got our trip to the woods. On Wednesday will be talking about Remembrance Day and on Friday we will be having a Children in Need day.
We will also be meeting Rose the Resourceful spider. Last term we met Reggie the Resilient Tortoise. The children are amazing at being a Resilient Tortoise and will keep trying at different challenges.
Resourceful Spider
Questioning; you are curious about things and people, you often wonder why, you play with ideas, asking “How come?” and “What if?”
Making Links; you look for connections between experiences or ideas, you find pleasure in seeing how things fit together, you notice patterns.
Imagining; you picture how things might look, sound, feel, be; you let your mind explore and play with possibilities and ideas.
Reasoning; you create logical arguments, you deduce what might happen, you look for evidence.
Capitalising; you use all of the resources available, you think about how you can improve and reach your goals, you use the four B’s well.

Jennie Jigsaw
This week during group times we will focus on What and I am good at?
What do we like to do? If you have any photos to support this at group times please send them in with your child.
Home Learning
Can you create your own firework picture using a choice of media and techniques e.g. paint, chalk, crayons, and a choice of tool to create an effect?
Some photo's of our learning and displays in the classroom.
NoticesPlease bring any WOW's for our WOW board you have. If you would like some WOW slips, these can be found on the outside notice board in a wallet.
On Friday 13th November is Children In Need day. Children can come dressed in spots or wear something red, yellow, green or blue. There will be a donation pot for Children in Need at the door.
On Monday 16th November we are having an odd sock day for anti-bullying awareness week.
Last week we had the photography in to take our photo's. If you would like to order them, please do so as soon as possible.
You can order your child's Christmas cards they have made at https://www.myschoolart.co.uk
This has been kindly organised by POWSA as a fundraising event. If your child's card is not online yet, it will be shortly.
Please always remember you can call or email us anytime if you have a question or need anything.
My email is: j.nineham@princeofwales.dorset.sch.uk
Here's to an amazing week.
Julia, Helen, Colleen, Karen and Sharon