Hello everyone,
Last week we made our decorations for the St Georges Christmas tree Festival. We learnt the song 5 little snowmen on a sledge. The children decided which decorations they wanted to make based on the song. They came up with Snowmen, Santa, snow and sleighs. The tree's stay up till after Christmas so you can go and have a look. It looked beautiful. Well done pre-school.
We have been learning to sing Jingle bells with the bells this wee in preparation to record it for the school Christmas play. We sang rudolph the red nose reindeer and have been busy making reindeer food for the school fair. The children were really get at storing the mixture and spooning it into bags with fantastic control.
We started our advent stories whereby each day we have a Christmas story wrapped up and one child unwraps the story and we share the Christmas story which is inside. Year 4 children came to read to us on Monday and Wednesday afternoon and the children really enjoy this so much so they ask if they are coming.
This week we are off on our adventures on the bus to the garden centre to see the Christmas lights and decorations. We will talking about shapes, colour and textures whilst we are there. The children always love going on the bus.
We will be starting to make our Christmas decorations to bring home. One afternoon we are joining reception to have a Christmas song afternoon at the roundhouse with hot chocolate and mince pies. We will be continuing our Christmas advent stories. There is a surprise for the children in the role play area....the elves have been very busy!!
Home learning: What reminds you of Christmas? It might be a picture, an object or something you have made. Please bring them in.
Letters and Sounds- We are going to start our rhyming door this week and continue with body sounds games.
It was so lovely to see so many of you come to the stay and play session on Saturday 2.12.17. We were so pleased that we are hoping to make this a regular event during the term. More details to follow soon. It was great for me to get to talk to you all and meet the other siblings in your families.
Our family Christmas Breakfast is on next Monday 11th December from 8.30-9.15am. Please return slips if you would like to join us so we know numbers. Hope to see lots of you there.
Don't forget to bring in your child's WOW moments. We love to share and celebrate these with everyone. There are spare WOW's by the WOW board in the corridor.
It was lovely to see some of you at Stay and Play on Friday. This week Stay and Play will be on Wednesday 6th December from 8.30-9.00am. Everyone is very welcome including younger and older siblings. Hope to see lots of you there.
The Christmas fair is on Friday 8th December from 3.30pm in the main school. There will be a special visit from Father Christmas. More information to follow. If you are able to help at the Christmas fair, please let Julia know. Please bring in cakes Thursday or Friday for the preschool refreshment stall.
On Friday 15th December it is our Christmas class party. If your child doesn't usually attend please return slips so we can organise staffing. Food sign up sheet is in the cloakroom.
Don't forget if you are doing your christmas online shopping, it would be great to go through the Easy fund-raising page as this raises money for the pre-school. Here is a link for more information. https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk
BOO's toyshop at Poundbury and Brewery Square are giving back to the pre-school 10% on purchases when you mention Prince Of Wales School throughout November.
Thank you for your continued support.
Julia and Pre-school Team